Is Rust a Any Forums meme?

Is Rust a Any Forums meme?

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No, it's a Reddit meme

It's got Mozilla's support and a boatload of money

hating rust is a Any Forums meme

I hope so.. I love memory corruption exploits

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Not if you want employment

is this the new rust thread?
i have a question for you rustchads:
so today i decided to give rust a fair shot, and after looking into it for a bit, i see that you can write actual syntax macros, not string pre-processing crap like in C.
This is intriguing as i come from the land of lisp, so i'm wondering how good are rust macros bros? can i do cool stuff like anaphoric macros? examples in lisp:

alambda, lets you create lambda expressions that can recursively call themselves by calling "self"
(defmacro alambda (parms &body body)
`(labels ((self ,parms ,@body))

;; example:
(alambda (x)
(if (< x 2) 1
(* x (self (1- x)))))

aif, just an if statement that automatically saves the value of the test into the variable "it"
(defmacro aif (test then &optional else)
`(let ((it ,test))
(if it ,then ,else)))

;; example:
(aif (some-function-that-returns-a-list-or-something)
(print it)
(do-something-else-with it))

both are for pretty niche cases, but i'd just like to know if you can do this kind stuff in rust

Rust seems pretty good I just think the syntax is pretty ugly.

>It had trannyfox support*

kys kiwi tourist

No. But calling Rust a tranny language is a Any Forums meme.


Attached: 1631565470580.webm (853x480, 2.61M)

I prefer a language made for real man like Go, instead of your tranny shit.

go is specifically made for idiots kek


>the comments section

Thanks, I've always wanted to 3D print my own dildo. Maybe I'll make it electronic and connect it to too.

Probably, yeah. I don't make custom macros, but you can do some crazy and dumb shit with them.

Yes, you could write a procedural macro that is invoked as an attribute on a function that lets you recursively call the function using whatever name you want.

The aif macro would also be possible, although it would be much trickier to give it nice syntax instead of being called like aif!(cond, then, else).

hating it is

it's pretty comfy

>Google lang
>language for real men

Pick one tranny lang or the other

I pick Rust