Webm thread

Coontown edition

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Attached: 1660590682921906.webm (360x360, 1.89M)

this is so sad.

>Niglets play whit gun
>Niglet dies
How is that sad?

Attached: 1660589538603870.webm (488x398, 1.61M)

because I experience basic forms of empathy. i understand that this place is filled with psychopaths, so i'm not surprised by your position, but it's not for me.

That's some fairground ride

Attached: 1660588322166411.webm (750x480, 643.71K)


>holds weapon to head
>weapon does weapony things
You're a fucking retard.

Would contriboot but all my shit is webm

Attached: paris2.jpg (1414x610, 188.88K)

Webm is ok lol

Attached: 1660587820928036 (1).webm (220x432, 1.14M)

No gookmook complains about "audio streams not allowed"

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y u mad tho?

Attached: jewish_pig.png (350x350, 131.83K)

Fuck yourself, kike nigger.

Attached: immigrants.png (702x1024, 681.79K)

If it's so vital for them to appear dangerous and hardcore, then they have a long ways to go before people can respect them. They can start by stopping the use of the word Nigger. They should lead by example if they want to get mad about others calling them that.
Just another coward sucker punching someone for local clout.


Stupid games and stupid prizes, she literally just shot someone in the head with pure stupidity, can hardly call that an accident or something unexpected, and then shooting yourself in a panic is just as not sad.

Her neutral stance when getting blasted with things (usually it's cum)