How the fuck did Sauron get away with having a sidekick named Saruman, that's like Luigi and Waluigi tier bullshit

How the fuck did Sauron get away with having a sidekick named Saruman, that's like Luigi and Waluigi tier bullshit

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Op only watches movies

they're both maiar. probably got stuck in line at school together all the time while Eru Ilúvatar was still busy shitting out continents.

I've always thought the same thing. It's one of the many factors as to why I consider J.R.R. Tolkien a little more mediocre than others.

how did Melkor end up with a sidekick like Sauron? i’m pretty sure it was his singing voice.

found the virgin

>Imagine comparing this legendry classy poetry to modern fuck up nigger names like Jamal and Tyrone.
No thanks, much more cope is needed here.

>thread about LotR
>decide to be racist out of nowhere
there's something wrong with your head, guy

I've fucked many 7+/10 women. My last gf and I were swingers, and my wife is literally the smartest person on the planet. Compared to you, I'm a Gigachad.

Keep reaching redditfag.

So you let your wife get railed by other guys? You're a cuck and only discredit yourself further.

holy shit. it went in every field

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A powerful wizard in the good world who turned on all his men and joined the dark side is a great asset if he's willing to do the bidding for evil

Always felt the same about this

You sound like a fatty



Attached: SpaceWizardry.jpg (224x224, 2.26K)

I'm just a touch pudgy at 155lbs.

>pudgy at 155lbs
how? are you under 5'?


i always thought those names were too similar

fair. I'm just under 6'. when I was last 160 I was fucking rail thin.
>am fat now. food2gud