Let the water wash away your sins anons

Let the water wash away your sins anons

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How does this work?

How do I take care of an online gaming server hosting an intentionally racist group or platform and promoting toxic or harrassive conduct, them later saying they are freemasons and saying they want to murder me outright. Literally cant get any public talks on this without being censored or shot down/ignored. How do I save the guise of the innocence affected by such places

Take your goddamn meds

This is the entire premise of premeditative murder towards individuals which needs to stop in its fullness.

*Premeditated, sorry for the typo. Really harrassful or slanderous conduct without appropriate context or reasoning either.

Falls under "criminal" for better terms

I wash my sins away in whiskey and wine, then I chase it down with some beer.

You simply need to have faith, and walk the path

Some people deal with their pain differently, there is no shame in that user. What matters is to have faith

>tf when water doesn't wash away the melanin
Its over...

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>freemasons wasting their time on vidya
Sure bud
Beep beep bop boo bep bop you fucking nigger bot

There's nowhere near enough water to make up for everything I've done.

jacob’s gonna set those sinners free, fren

Despite All That You Have Done, You Are Not Beyond Salvation. You're Not Here By Accident Or Chance

The Capitals On Every Word Make It True, Don't Worry I'm Going To Fucking Butcher, Cheat and Infect This World And Then Go For That Sweet Death Bed Redemption At The End. Thank's For The Tip You Fucking Beautiful Mental Paraplegic.

The bliss will set you free, you only need to have faith

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You have these convictions and what do they get you? A cheap laugh in the digital cloud?
Fake anonymous friends you don't even know?
Judge not lest you be judged yourself

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All you have to do is say "Yes"

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