Is C a good programming language?

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no, but it's the least bad one.

Yes, considering all the environment around it and not only syntax.


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No. It is shit from the 70s. Still it gets the job done.

No, it's the worst one

Of course. C is one of the pillars on top of which our entire modern civilization is constructed. The same cannot be said for whatever meme-of-the-month tranny languages are shilled on Any Forums.

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> low level of abstraction is a nuisance
yeah screw off that's it's greatest feature.

Why do you buy food? Farming too hard for you? Are you only connected to the power grid because pedaling a bike hooked up to a generator is too hard for you?

Your analogy is retarded

My 9 year old daughter has expressed a sustained interest in programming.

Where do I begin? I know of and some diy stuff but I'm totally in the dark since Web 2.0.

Could any user please point me in the right direction, to get her started? Is the important thing to just start?

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You are retarded

Your son will never be a woman. Take him off the puberty blockers and do NOT cut his balls off.
But if you do that, then have him learn rust.

Fuck you tranny, go shill your retarded C successors somewhere else faggot, you will never understand computer science at a level lower than fucking scratch and you will never be a woman. Get help

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Lel, thanks for the tip.

>the incompetent C "programmer" immediately starts screaming about trannies
Every time

I would suggest scratch at the start. I think C is a very bad language to start with. Do some python and scratch and then maybe C, just let her program what she wants however she want, just point her to directions and buying courses is not worth it

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A good idea would be to look at programming books catered for children. There's some good ones these days; pic related would be ideal, but also check the publisher, they do make good books.

But if I had a kid I'd get them programming an arduino or raspberry pi, have them do basic robotics or something physical to keep them away from the internet.

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C is the "main" programming lengwidj

Kill yourself