Keep voting Democrat

Keep voting Democrat

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So trump would have just let inflation run more rampant?

No, retard. There would be no inflation! Had Trump been re-elected or had Tomato Joe just sat in the basement, eating pudding while watching Matlock reruns, everything would have been fine. Instead, he declared open war against the energy industry, thus causing prices to skyrocket and dumped a few hundred billion into the economy, despite multiple economists warning him that this will cause runaway inflation.

Yes user that is just part of the inflation problem though. Countries around the world, including the US under Trumps watch, injected trillions into economies leading to a higher supply of cash-monies to cope with covid. Which would later on have to be fixed with increasing borrowing rates, which is what they're doing now.

Exactly. Since Biden is President of Ukraine, Russia, UK, Germany, and France, this makes perfect sense.

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Just another brainless, stupid trump sucking moron.
Uneducated, fat and STUPID.
Just like ALL republicunts.

Okay, I will

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>Keep voting Democrat

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You’ll never convince them. The knot each they’ll learn is to grow up and see the truth themselves. Some will, some won’t. But you’ll never drag them to your side. Both parties suck and are fucking us. The left is worse because they want to do it through the government whereas the right does it through companies. I’d much rather just have smaller government that stands out of the way and let’s me make it on my own merits and doesn’t punish me for being a successful person. The leftist don’t want that. They are wagecucks that the think the government is supposed to be solving out problems. I just want them to stop creating them. The people can solve them.

The Republican president Donald trump crashed the economy and the democrat joe Biden has to clean up his mess. Just like every single time a Republican gets elected - they crash the economy before their term ends.

>Calls people a retard
>Says some retarded shit

Oh yeah, just one more term and he would have done it! He just needed one more term! Fuck off. Once you learn that no politician cares for us the better you'll be. Being a slave to their party while they do nothing for you is the most retarded thing one can partake in.

Keep voting republican

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imagine thinking this is due to democratic policies and not the aftermath of every single republican policy that values profits and corporate hand outs over the people. Plus after regan everything went to shit, but none of you kids are even old enough to remember that.

sure thing

the only difference under Trump re: inflation would be that republicans would downplay it while democrats did the shrieking

Fat american nigger mutts arguing over who's side is better, kill yourselves

>Keep voting Democrat
Not a Dem, but I can tell you, it doesn't matter who you vote for. Incomes are simply too low to handle the housing costs. The only reason why people could afford homes in the recent past was because banks just gave away home loans. There is no real why that the majority of the people who earn under $18 ah hour, 36 hours w week can afford a $400,000 home. And wither you like it or not, many parts of the us, the most common incomes are at $16 an hour or lower.

Cant be done. PERIOD. And now because of the covid shutdowns, people who had some credit, maxed it all out to pay basic bills due to the quarantines.

There isn't a lack of people wanting to work. There is no one who can afford to work for those low wages anymore. They simply can not make ends meet and MUST look for better paying jobs. Its like a row of dominos, one thing effects the next and the dominos are falling.

Imagine the stupidity of Americans that blame someone who thinks a bit different from them as the issues they are seeing.

Start to examine your foreign policy and how you retards send your army to fuck with the rest of the world. Start there and start to learn about why everyone hates you and your country is no crumbling around your feet.

Or you can keep blaming each other, buy more guns, shoot each other till none of you are left of the face of the planet. Don't care much either way.

>Keep voting republican
And here I thought that people couldn't afford to live in NYC or CA.

Or was the news wrong about people leaving those states in masses? Yes Repub states have poor, but Dem states are too costly to live in.

>build car dependent infrastructure for 80 years
>destroy community capability to generate and maintain local wealth
>destroy community capability to contribute to the built envionment
>complain when housing is expensive

fucking americans

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>Imagine the stupidity of Americans that blame someone who thinks a bit different from them as the issues they are seeing.
Im curious, what country are you in?

I don't disagree with you, just curious

This. We've been building up for this for 80 years and it's not going to get any better until we re-think about how we build our cities and towns.

>Keep voting Democrat
I will, and sooooo many more will this year thanks to your illegitimate supreme court.
Hopefully enough to overcome the republican gerrymandering.