Oh look Fox News told Trumptards to be angry about the current thing

Oh look Fox News told Trumptards to be angry about the current thing

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Isn't Trump Democrat?

not actually these lyrics,dunno the original one cause of language but the rhythm
cringe rap and all

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Yes, I see...
Is this "Trump" in the room with you now, op?

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Owned by mega Jew Rupert Murdoch
Owner of CNN, London times, wall Street journal etc

Does the FBI actually have evidence of a crime?
If not then we should all be mad.

None that hasn't been fabricated or planted.
Alas, commies gonna commie...

Trump is a Trump.

He was a Democrat until he saw how easy it was to bullshit Republicans so he became one.

Trump's only loyalty is to himself and he would sell his followers into slavery if he thought he could get away with it.

>INB4 triggered trumpfaggots

Go suck on dewormer faggots.

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I sure do miss $1 gas...

That was back in the late 90's Try again retard.

Don't forget affordable living, and a strong economy.
I had 100s saved before May, and I had to use it just for groceries.

Fucking kek you Trumptards are so sad lol

>Had to save up hundreds for food
Holy fuck you're fat. The only inflation you're suffering through is your massive gut.

cope, fags

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don't blame the world for your shitty spending habits

>we are tne men of the Pangea
so they sang
as a result,a bunch of arrows

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I actually voted libertarian and kinda regret it. Not that my one vote would've helped.

I "make too much money" for food stamps, so I wish we still had trump cause my money isn't worth shit anymore.
I literally have to choose car payments or food. Can't do both anymore.
Never thought Biden could do so much damage in just half of a 4 year term.
>What is a family to feed
I know you tannies/faggots can't have one, but come on you're not that stupid are you?
The money I saved was for emergencies, not food.

Literal children either on foodstamps and welfare or still living at home.
You have to be 18 to post here.

I'm also usually a libertarian voter.
I'll vote for whatever republican runs against biden at this point, but I hope it's DeSantis and not Trump. Trump craziness is what led me to Libertarians in the first place.

Seethe, retarded faggot

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Yea, they aren't cool like us fags in our mom's basement. Mom, make me some tendies. Bring them down here, I'm too tired to climb the stairs.

F6 O15 X24
F6 O(1+5) X(2+4)
F6 O6 X6 FOX = 666
Nigga fuck fox news deval shit nigga

Your fortune: Bad Luck