How is the retarded LGBT community allowed to walk around nude in front of children and doing their degenerate acts in...

How is the retarded LGBT community allowed to walk around nude in front of children and doing their degenerate acts in front of them?

How do they get away with it? How is that not pedophilia? Or even worse than pedophilia?Why is no one calling them out on that? They can just spew their degeneracy to the children and nothing. NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING EVER HAPPENS TO THEM. Instead, worships these foul creatures.

Fuck the world it's hypocracy and brainlessness.

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End your life.

Maybe it happens so rarely that it's never been an issue? Or maybe the danger it poses is overhyped lies from the right-wing?

overhyped lies from the ri- ACK!!1!!

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Do you have any reason to believe that happening besides word of mouth? Have you seen pic or videos, read police reports or articles, seen it on the news, anything?

>muh trannies!
>muh pEEEdooFiles!!
>muh dejenereseee!!!
Great thread


Fuck you!!!

Yes ive seen it. Both photos and videos.

And what you havent?

Public nudity isn't illegal everywhere. And I know than in SF when they have their gay street fairs and there's a lot of public sex happening, the cops are told not to intervene.

The sex is worse than the nudity. They're sucking and sodomizing each other in broad daylight.

[citation needed]

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Did something on Fox News make you mad?
What a surprise!

Quit your whining you pissant little bitch - I bet you're a pedophile who is just offended at fags gaying-up your potential rape-victims.

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Your logic:

That's the state of you.

Well it's not surprising that it happens when we have absolute devils like you who find nothing wrong with it. Fucking retards. Well youve destroyed society. GREAT JOB.

Now go worship your pedo faggots. Even if they massacared you, you wouldn't say nothing bad about them. SCUM OF THE EARTH. PARASITES!!!


Fuck all of you. I at least hoped that someone would be against it if nothing. But no. You retarded degenerates unironically celebrate it.

This is unbeliavable. What do you have against pedos then? You can't say nothing bad about them now. But you can because youre hypocritical assholes.

FUCK YOU. You deserve the shit you live in.

>Triggered and coping hard.
Kill yourself, pedo.

like straight people dont do that shit. fucking retard

My wife and I are going to one specificly to be naked and degenerate in public, it is the known place for such and you are a retarded person or a shill.

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Trans isnt real amd men cant be women.

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End your life

So why am I attracked to women with small penises? I am a male CIS btw.

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what are you even talking about? when have they walked around naked in front of children, or did "degenerate acts"? there's literal pedophile rings and an entire economy surrounding it world-wide, and youre crying out over an lgbt show-case presented to children. you cry out in vain of proclaimed brainlessness, yet you are the one without a brain; the loudest rivers and streams are the shallowest. you are the foul creature that screams at nothing and does nothing. you ARE nothing, for all there is in your heart is bitterness. love leads to creation, meanwhile hate will lead to a return to dust. that is the objective, observable truth. this is the fact of the matter.

No I haven’t, but from the state of this thread it looks like you’re just reeeing about nothing to take up space

Could you provide us with the stuff you saw?

I don’t really see what that has to do with the thread but thanks for the heads up, I guess

How have priests and politicians managed to get away with systemic child abuse for decades and decades?

ALL pedophiles need to die.
>that includes you, OP

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Gays are destroying the world