Asians are BY FAR the worst, most racist people

Asians are BY FAR the worst, most racist people

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If you use violence on people because they use bad words, you're still the worse person.
Asian racism doesn't explain the cases where Asian people were randomly attacked with no preamble, while it was caught on camera.
I'm perfectly fine with dividing blame if two asshats are caught on cam talking racist shit to each other and getting into a fight, but the cases where it is a random attack is on the person attacking.

Nah niggers are. It's not even close either.

Have we reached peak clown world yet?

I want to say yes, but nothing is ever so bad that it can't become just a little bit worse.

If you believe something written on the internet is the case for everything then you're already at peak clown world

The funny thing is I honestly can't tell if this is real or fake. Probably the latter, but I've seen so many bullshit explanations for niggers being niggers by both other niggers and just about every race. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if this was an actual article. I'd bet my left nut that the comment section is either non existent it turned off,, though.

is hate niggerlovers like you, stop defending black people they hate you

Cope. Asians are racist fucks

"Our culture of eating roadkill, environmental destruction, poverty exploitation, vague spiritual religion, talking like a room full of bouncing silverware and bouncy balls, and lack of any politeness is better than any other culture."
- Asians

you've clearly not met many australians

Source for this article? I really want to read it for entertainment purposes.

When searching for it, I saw articles saying black-on-asian hate videos are just a meme, and whites are responsible for the majority of the attacks. If so, then why not post more white-on-asian videos? Should not be hard to find some.

Whites are responsible for most hate crimes against all groups by a considerable margin, but it doesn't fit the narrative asian groups are pushing to say it.
Asians worship white folks, you can't shit talk your idols.

You mean "xenophobic"
Ever watch vids of every day life in places like Japan?
You'll very rarely see anyone walking around that isn't Asian or white

>no proof necessary
>just because I said so
Get off the internet you retarded turd

You sound like a racist loon user.

Tyrese detected
They just want their country to stay clean


That seems to be a parody "woke site" and a bullshit story.

This, all whites should be exterminated. Start with their kids.

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i've seen a lot of niggers on twitter saying that niggers killing asians is white people fault cuz opression or some shit

It's not intentional parody, it's just that woke people are a parody of humanity.

>Ever watch vids of every day life in places like Japan?
>You'll very rarely see anyone walking around that isn't Asian or white

I was once asked if I wanted to move to Japan and live there. I declined.
When asked why, I mentioned that if I were Japanese, I would not want me living there, so why bother?

Isn't it time for you to go snort some estrogen?

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damn. why did the white man make her do that??

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They could have just paid reparations.


Actually I feel the same way about racism against blacks - don’t just point the finger at white people, try understand what blacks have done to make us racist.

To be fair Asians ARE racist as fuck, but you hardly ever see them resorting to violence.

>i've seen a lot of niggers on twitter saying that niggers killing asians is white people fault cuz opression or some shit

Yes, some asian professor at a university in Colorado claimed that.

Here it is:

>can't google
>facts are racist now
It's amazing how facts and data are wrong and racist the moment they point out the kind of psychotic monsters the Caucasian actually is.
You see how much white women complained about Roe v Wade (another case started with false accusations against black men btw)? They want to delete white babies themselves. Maybe they know something the men missed.

>what blacks have done to make us racist
When did Africans come and destroy white society?
This is the definition of psycho cope/

>the kind of psychotic monsters the Caucasian actually is.
Yup you don't seem biased at all, all facts and data here.