Which two(2) source-code editor/IDE do you use/like the most?

Which two(2) source-code editor/IDE do you use/like the most?


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I just use emac

>opens thread
>saves image
>won't read your post

the ascended Any Forumsentooman, how does it feel? I literally want to be like you but I'm stuck on being scared of vim.

emac or you gay

Attached: meme.cooling.webm (960x544, 2.7M)

Visual Studio isn't even in the list, good job OP.

VS Code is there retard

geanybros i dont feel so good

Attached: 0.png (1200x1200, 250.56K)

not the same shit

I use visual studio on windows (I don't develop on it, I use it for profiling and debugging), vs code on linux.
wish I could try out clion long term, but it's too expensive.

Next you're gonna say that C and C# aren't the same thing.


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It feels normal
I open the source file with C-x C-f then type in code until I save it with C-s (I think, I don't actually remember it since it's all muscle memory). Then I press M-x shell to compile it. Repeat.

This would be the VS Code if only VS Code didn't exist or was released some years later.

Attached: atom.png (548x547, 162.64K)

Where is the venerable editor of The Commander, Acme?

>split the vim vote
>don't split the emacs vote
>post the poll in the elisp thread, effectively botting it
you're a nigger op


if its popular enough to have a general how do you figure that its cheating to let the general vote? its a popularity poll. ive been watching the poll the whole time as i spam the link. emacs has been the winner since the word go. i do suspect emacs fags are double voting with phones but what can you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

by the way, youre free to add vim and neovim votes together you dumb nigger monkey

Visual Studio and Notepad++.
freetards and macfags are the vegans and hipsters of the pc world


>No sam, acme or ed

Attached: 1AK9iOn.png (70x80, 14.95K)

using a language that isnt carpal tunnel inducing or writing in latex? emacs
writing java/kotlin shitcode for my job? intellij

Nah, Atom is slow and laggy as shit.
Even compared to VSCode.

Visual Studio
(used to work with IntelliJ and Android Studio but they're too trash, i can't take it anymore)

Forgot to include tasteful feet
didnt microshit put atom on ice after acquiring github since VS Code is basically the same thing and eats into the same niche

Attached: reimufeet.jpg (482x680, 64.15K)

>didnt microshit put atom on ice after acquiring github since VS Code is basically the same thing and eats into the same niche
It's been outright iced now. github.blog/2022-06-08-sunsetting-atom/

stop samefagging to boost vim you faggots. you already get two votes so you can vote for it twice if you love it so much unlike emacs

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Not him, but try using Witchmacs for a basic Emacs setup or Doom Emacs for a fully featured one. Follow the intro tutorial and just look up stuff you want to do. Protip: Alt/meta + lowercase x (usually typed at M-x) allows you to run any function, if you don't exactly know what you want to do you can find it in that menu, may have some strange wording though (e.g package-list-packages to list packages). You get EVIL mode (vim keybind mode) by default in both.