Imagine coming here and flooding the board with pro-Biden posts and then being wrong and running back to ledddit with...

Imagine coming here and flooding the board with pro-Biden posts and then being wrong and running back to ledddit with your tail betwen your legs on every issue since Biden took office. Now imagine being here right now defending the FBI raid on Trump.

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trump lost lol
cope and seethe
sage goes in all fields

>im totally not mad

FBI raid was bad
Hellfire to take out his fat ass would have been better tbh.
Brandon pussied out on his chance to do some funny shit, totally disappointing.

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trump lost lol
cope and seethe
sage goes in all fields


2016 on steroids incoming

Attached: 6plz6l.jpg (693x500, 127.1K)

"Hi kids. C'mon down to the RAPE TREE, we'll have lots of fun. Transporatation provided by your own president Biden."

Attached: rape tree bunny.jpg (1280x720, 216.82K)


Attached: Trump_won.jpg (460x547, 25.3K)

must bug the shit out of Trumpbros that an insider at MaL ratted him out to the FBI

>pro-Biden posts
anti-Trump posts are my favorite

>pro-biden posts
except there aren't any. nobody voted for biden, everyone voted against trump. biden was just best-case scenario.

>imagine being here right now defending the FBI raid on Trump.
lol they used something trump passed (in an attempt to get those buttery males) against him. beautiful karma


Image being so unable to come up with an argument that you post about a "rape tree".

Raise your hand if:

Every level of government and the media covered your ass from the get go, and you still lost to a fat orange pussy-grabber.

Is that a lightsaber?

Dear MAGA,
We voted against Trump, not for Biden.
Best Regards,

>reddit spacing

>t. totally not seething

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Not liking Trump doesn't mean you have to pretend Hillary was a decent human being or a decent political candidate.

Why would you still be mad after almost 6 years if she wasn't a decent human being or a decent political candidate?

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