I am almost 22 and I am still a virgin...

I am almost 22 and I am still a virgin. I have tried asking women out but they all say no or pretend to be interested and then ghost/block me when they see I haven't given up. I can't drive and I live with my family in a poor shitty neighborhood in a super tiny super messy really old house that was built by a retard so I don't even try anymore.

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I'm almost 22 too and had six girls since 17 lmao just pay someone at this rate

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Getting laid ain't gonna fix your shit life, user.

What Im saying is is my life is shit and I completely missed the boat on young love even before my life was shit I had 0 bitches and no girl will want me now even if i got my life together id still be a virgin over 22 years old what girl would want that im forever a loser now all i can get now is hookers

can you expand on your house being built by a retard, i'm intrigued

I'm 23 and while I'm not a virign, I struggle with getting pussy. All I can say is that you should focus on something that is worth your time. In most cases, I've noticed girls being interested in me when I haven't even thought about them like fuck partners. But you can't pretend not being interested, you have it simply move on with your life. Besides, it looks like you have other things you should focus on like moving away from home and getting some wealth.

this. with images

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So what kind of reply do you want?

Dude, I was 25 by the time I had my first kiss and didn't fuck until I was 27.

All I was was clueless and spent 19-24 focused on work and school.

If you're fat, lose weight. If you're ugly, work on your humor and personality. Improve yourself and your behavior to make yourself someone wants to be with.

Be realistic about your chances. A fat neckbeard etc. has none. Make yourself non-repulsive and someone people want to be around.

. Identify "why" they don't like you and solve that problem or find an alternative that makes up for that deficiency. If you are a jerk or have a shit personality, get jacked. Ugly? Make money and be funny.

When you can get dates, start doing it for the experience. Understand you're going to get a lot of rejections, embarrassment, and not love. Understand that you're doing it for EXPERIENCE. Learn from the failures and mistakes and build up better for next time.

Get out there, take the punches on the chin, and do better next time until someone real comes along. Sitting at home whining on Any Forums does nothing

I back this

just focus on something u like that will make u some money retard
girls will come
yes, young sex is better but being a rich asshole in his 30s pulling 20 year olds on a regular basis is even more fun.
no girl is going to take the bus and come to your dump of a house to give u a bj
pull yourself out of the shithole first instead of thinking about pussy

consider this: being a 33 year old virgin faggot with no car and shit house is gonna be 10 times worse

or u could just kys

Not OP but can you elaborate/give tips for identifying why girls wouldn't like you or wouldn't be interested? Asking them outright usually yields something like "You're just not my type" or "You're just not for me", and gives nothing concrete to improve on or find alternatives to

it means I don’t see what the fuck I am getting out of this.
they need to see what you are bringing
money? attractive? nice car? what the fuck are you offering here, they need to see that.
good pussy knows their worth user

are you me

or you might just be fucking annoying and beta as fuck. work on what vibe you are giving.
talk less, listen more, let them bitches do most of the talking. just keep feeding them mundane questions and they will talk for hours and go home thinking “wow user is soooo easy to talk to”

Imagine meassuring your value in pussy

That's some solid advice, thanks mate. Been hit all my life with advice like "You'll meet the right person eventually" so it's good to get something proper for once. Gonna starting looking into ways to increase my value immediately. Is money the best avenue for this, or is there something (changeable) that girls generally fall for more?

I'd say 1. experience. You will figure out what makes the girls lose interest as you have several scenarios to compare with.
2.Figure out what girls want and evaluate whether or not you have it. From what I've heard, though I can't confirm it myself, it boils down to confidence. Applying to my earlier comment , by not caring you don't display your insecurity of not being rejected.
3. Ask like this or search the web for info. I'd recommend The Black Philip show though take it with a grain of salt.

That's kind of what I fear, I want to get out of this pattern, but was never quite sure how

Not the user you replied to but what part of yourself makes you sick?

body, personality, money in that order.
body - 6 months
personality- 6 months to 2 years depending on how strong the autism is
money is the golden ticket - takes years, but you gotta start working on it right away.
don’t focus on girls, they are perks

get a hot teen girl they love older men

yes a hot teen girl is going to walk home with him to his stinky basement to blow him
don’t listen to this retard OP