/twg/ - Tech Workers General

Thread for those of us who actually work in tech to tell workplace stories, complain about coworkers and management, share advice on how to progress in careers, and discuss the technologies we use at our cagies.

>Getting Started
Want a tech job, but have no degree, skills, or experience? Read these before ruining this thread with basic questions:
Come back once you have informed questions about interviewing, salary negotiation, etc...

>Interview Prep

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff

>How to Respond to Recruiter Spam


>IRC Channel
#Any Forumstwg on Rizon
kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.rizon.net/#Any Forumstwg

Please suggest more links to add to the lists

Previous thread:

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scott adams is a pretty cool guy but his comics hit a bit too close to home...

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Thoughts on ASML? I heard they paid peanuts in Holland. Is that true?

Do ASMR instead, much better paid (if you're a girl)

How the fuck do I land a new grad/entry level job I keep getting rejected. Also should I admit that I'm disabled on job apps, I've been doing "I prefer not to answer" but should I just tick no?

I'm interviewing there, the pay is probably good in their CT location but they also have a location in San Jose so idk

>In love with my co-worker
We sit across from each other at eye level and I sometimes find myself glancing at her like some kind of office sex pest. I know even if she did show interest that I shouldn't shit where I eat. It hurts.

>a few months ago prior to tech taking a shit and starting to lay off I was getting interview offers every other day
>now lucky to get one once a week
I currently have a good job but this both worries me and more importantly damages my ego

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>All female coworkers everywhere, grade A QTs
>Always wearing tight little outfits like short skirts, leggings, flats, sandals/footwear
>Always asking you what code you are working on
>"Uhhhh...ergggg... *sperg out and drop spaghetti*
>Go coom to them after work
Such is life.

being able to pretend being one is good enough

>sit next to an extreme qt
>funny, just pleasant to be around, inconceivable that she's in my department
>looked 20 despite being 30
I was brought back to the reality of tech when I found out she was divorced and in a relationship

Had my first interview today, they were really nice - i think i got the job in the bag bros

was it with a recruiter or with the hiring manager


I just added 1 year of fake freelance experience to my resume and linkedin in a company I half-assedly created sometime in the past.

Has anyone else done this? Is there any drawbacks/potential future lawsuits?

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hiring manager + dev from a team asking me technical questions

"Tell me about your freelancing work, user. What was something important that you learned from that experience?"

congrats user, are u a recent grad?

studied something else that was related, then dropped out and did a one year bootcamp type thing. So very happy that it seems to work out even without a degree (am in central europe)

The cute ones are always either divorced or have kids guaranteed. You think some chad is just gonna see a qt and not put his seed in them?

nice user, what sorts of projects did you have listed on your resume if u dont mind me asking?

"I learned how to work on tight schedules and work together face to face with clients in order to understand their needs. I also had to design proposals that would fit their particular use case and business scheme. All in all it was challenging but rewarding work that made me grow as a developer and definitely made me a more organized person."

Good enough?

Been working at one of the FAGMAN for 2 years now, have a huge salary and in a position where I work anywhere from 10-30 hours a week, pretty much all WFH. I'm even getting promoted soon.
My life is set... right?
If so then why do I feel lonely and miserable all the time? I literally sit in my apartment depressed and wanting to cry all day.

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why dont u just get into a sick hobby if ur so rich like fishing or skeet shooting or project cars

Did an interview today. Got a bit tripped up with the trivia part. I think I did well enough with most answers but might not have worded things properly. And I did ok on the live coding part. Still feel a bit anxious about it. Weird because it's literally the bottom tier of the companies I've applied for

>Weird because it's literally the bottom tier of the companies I've applied for
is it a bodyshop like infosys?

Find something else in life to give you meaning. You wont find happiness in money or your job.

Meditate, read, travel, fuck hookers, anything.

I just preemptively hate all attractive women i meet on workplace. It's easier that falling in love and dealing with this bullshit.

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only one. Backend in Java, connects to a database and then a simple frontend with TailwindCSS. User can upload files of past energy usage and then predict the future with a price API. Im pretty sure that this got me the interview in the first place, its pretty high up on my resume.
I would post the full thing but dont want to doxx myself, but have a screenshot.
This was mostly a backend project but the thing i really learned is that people are very visual and it can never hurt to make something look good, even if it isnt the point

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I'm not into those sorts of hobbies but thanks I get your point
My hobby is reading and I read a lot. I sit in my apartment all day and some days I work like 2 hours so I can read a book every 1-3 days.
But the thing is, I am so miserable now that I'm incapable of thinking of something that gives me happiness or meaning. Reading used to give me a lot of joy (or perhaps a way to escape) but even that has lost its appeal now. I want to do something, but I can't think of what that something should be. I'd like a new hobby or passion but I just have no drive to do anything.
I don't know if you've ever been in this sort of mental state so maybe you can't relate/understand what I'm trying to convey. I'm just... perpetually miserable, like I fell into a well and can't climb out. I can't even find anything to give me meaning.
Anyways thanks. Maybe I ought to see a therapist instead of posting in some tangentially-related thread on Any Forums

Me and a retarded coworker from the same consulting company work at a client's office.
This evening, just before packing my things and getting ready to go home, the client pulled me aside.
He asked me what i thought about my retard coworker's performance, because he's been thinking about not renewing him for next year.

I defended him even though i hate working this guy, thinking throwing a coworker under the bus would make me look like a rat, and making my company look incompetent also projects a bad image on myself.

I'm curious, what would you guys have done ?

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Yes, I kind of understand that feeling. Actually go and speak with a psychologist or a therapist bro. It's good that you recognize the problem but you should also act and get help.

>meh gpa
>no projects
>no internships
>no research
>graduated 3 months ago
why couldn't i be the "asocial genius" kind of sperg instead of the "angry retard" kind?

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