/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

What are you working on /dpt/?

True prev;subthreads;

Attached: Notepad++.png (700x502, 69.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>worse than the software it is intended to replace

first for C++ has shit compiler errors


show me a single text editor with support for more languages than notepad++ out of the box

>not vim
>only works on windows
open and shut case here.
pure niggerware.

Functional programmers on the ropes.


>show me a single text editor more bloated
I can't


>in the context of chemistry and physics

Is there a name for this pattern?
A struct that can undo/compensate for its action in case some eventual error occurs.

Attached: capture.png (608x532, 13.51K)

I hope you don't think remove is the opposite of insert

Chapter 2 of pic related using Npp and terminal. I asked in /fwt/ but does anyone here have recommendations on Windows systems or GPU programming?

Attached: cProgrammingKing_2e.jpg (407x500, 30.17K)

It's usually called the command pattern.



They really do twist and pervert everything.

memento + command

Not him but wtf are you talking about, removing something you inserted undoes it...

I need to learn SQL for my job. What are some actually good SQL books? Most I can find online seem very suspect, with titles akin to "SQL for absolute brainlets" and "Become SQL superhero in 7 days!" and the like.

in haskell this is just
main = mapM_ spit [6,8..40]

spit n = do
let m = n `quot` 2 - 2
wrap n
top m
bot m
wrap n

wrap = putStrLn . flip replicate '#'
fill m = mapM_ (putStrLn . (flip ((++) . ("#" ++) . gen m) =

SQL for mere mortals

Reminding anons to use github.com/friendlyanon/cmake-init when creating new C++ and C projects!

K&R is a much better book than that piece of trash.

kys posser

Even the author's of K&R have stated their book is not for learning programming but learning C when coming from another language.

you have read the book right
you aren't like 5 years old right

neovim, to be autistic, and I use Emacs plenty.

Still, "C: A Modern Approach" is still a terrible book. Just read K&R. There's a reason it's a classic.

>What are you working on /dpt/?

Writing a CLI for the raspberry pi camera library that doesn't suck ass.

Why is it a terrible book?

what a dumbass

>solve problem independently
>afterwards decide to see how well respected programmers would do it
>my implementation is almost 1:1
>proud of my solution
>everyone else is going to think I copied theirs but made changes to hide that

Attached: cat_[sobbing].jpg (640x603, 43.85K)

I'm adapting jschan to use OrbitDB as the database, with the goal to move imageboards to a more distributed, p2p framework.
Today I managed to adapt most of the index/thread page querying and loading functionality.
If anyone wants to join me feel free:

Attached: posts2.png (652x1161, 90.89K)

>I'm a lazy fuck

Exception safety guarantee?

Does manga count as a book?

Attached: db.png (1291x1706, 3.34M)

Do this instead:

>I'm a pussy

no u