My sex life with my gf sucks...

My sex life with my gf sucks, but Im short and have a small dick so I don't really feel as if a better sex life is even possible.

Should I just accept my fate, gamble on trying to find another partner who doesnt mind a small dick manlet, or should I just an hero?

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how small r we talking

You should fuck hookers

4.5" long, 5" girth

Have definitely considered it

why did someone photoshop a girl holding a guys hand into that photo?

Its a romantic american date

ok its not great, but it isnt too bad either
you can still have pretty good sex. find positions best suited for dicklets
you and wifey neef be willing to go down on each other too. i have a 5' 5" myself but have had several girls tell me i was a great fuck

Post a pic!

>but Im short and have a small dick
then maybe fucking women should not be your fantasy. you have to change your mindset. try to find things that will be interesting and more fitting to you.

A short guy with a below average dick is not going to please women aesthetically or sexually.

Firstly there is a huge difference btw 4.5" and 5.5"

at 4.5 thrusting is a meaningless idea. every time you pump your dick comes out, worse still your pump will have to be really controlled.

There is no good sex at 4.5" and it is OK to admit that and move on. Filling the guys head with stupid ideas like "position X will do magic" is outright dishonest and silly.

Have you ever seen, or imagined a guy with a 4 incher fucking a girl, its not something you want to witness. The girl is simply there embarrassed, and waiting for the guy to cum so she can leave the room

>ok its not great, but it isnt too bad either
Yea, I guess I should be happy that I can at least have sex, but I can imagine most women wouldnt be too thrilled with it.

>you and wifey neef be willing to go down on each other too
I do love to go down on her, but she doesnt for me unfortunately

Ok will do, give me a minute

>then maybe fucking women should not be your fantasy
Ive been trying, but how the fuck do you get rid of a sex drive?

>A short guy with a below average dick is not going to please women aesthetically or sexually.
Thanks I had already figured that out

i never said that you should not fuck, or get a gf, obviously you cant get rid of your sex drive.

You should fuck simply to fulfill your animal needs, the idea that you will be a good fucker, or please women sexually is something that you need to get out of your head

I want you to find stuff that you might be good at

i'm short and have gone out with tons of girls in my 30s, i'm not good looking either. the girls were all solid 7s or above.
so no, short guys pull girls too

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shut up and post skin and ill tell you wtfs wrong with you

of course you can pull girls being short. The problem is with a 4 incher you are not fucking girls like guys at 7-8" Its a sad sight watching a guy with a 4 incher trying to fuck

yes, but a 4.5' guy with great technique can be better or comparable to 7' guy who only fucks for his own pleasure, which is most guys
if you don't have the size you can still compensate by focusing on her pleasure

Posture can add at least an inch to your pp length

Anterior pelvic tilt and all associated pelvic floor muscles being in wrong position sucks your pp in body.

But good luck changing your entire lifestyle in order to change your posture. GG's basically

But if you do do that, you will be a legend

Inb4 pp was ~6 and now it's ~7

Think about sticking your butt out, and rotating your hip bowl forward. And then kind of leaving that posture 24/7. Kind of leaves your dick sucked up into your body. Comes from sitting too much and sleeping on your side. Good luck fucking... Etc etc

listen to this guy

You should become a cuck and get off to her getting pleasured by hung and virulent men.

>yes, but a 4.5' guy with great technique can be better or comparable to 7'
no technique is getting you out of that hole. if you said a 6 can beat a 7 then yeah

At 4 inches there IS NO THRUSTING (every time you pull back you dick comes out LOL) yes you can reproduce but there is no pleasure from her POV

fingers and tongue exist for a reason

as i said, i'm may be 6'
had sevral solid 8s fucking me in a regular basis. including one who was cheating on her husband with much bigger dick.
she have told me husband is a lazy fuck but i put in the effort and it shows. no larp