People in 2003 thought this is cool

People in 2003 thought this is cool.

Holy shit, the Vista era was the worst.

Attached: 020585.jpg (600x442, 35.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>small screen to control various software, see notifications, etc.
>uses barely any power
>can turn off the main screen, saving more power
I see nothing wrong here.
Same could be done with smartphones / tablets.
Some have, and half-way with that little strip Shamsung had on one of their phones.

Attached: image_2.0-796x448.jpg (796x448, 50.21K)

There is also the potential for using e-ink on devices as well
A e-ink screen that could show regular updates of whatever you want, be it the battery level, your emails, whatever.

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-08-30 19-17-10.png (628x695, 677.26K)

It was cool

Attached: motorola_razr_v3__1d52.jpg (417x350, 41.86K)

vatnik tech was bound to fail

E-ink isn't really going to take off until it has color and response times good enough to play back video - which is probably going to be never.

still a thing with the foldable phones, but it's not very well integrated on any of them. on the samsung flip you can't do much on the external screen.

sovl overload
ёбa phone

the point is to have it as a secondary screen, user. you're not watching netflix on the back of your phone.

E-ink has had fast refresh rates for a while.
And color is missing the point, but there are color e-ink screens now but they are slower and in no way going to be used for fast refresh rates any time soon.

Yes, but I'd really love a reflective display to use on a laptop. Technically we had this technology like 15 years ago atleast - transflective LCDs, but they seem to have died out for whatever reason.
>E-ink has had fast refresh rates for a while.
The fastest I've seen is 40Hz.

Looks more useful than what Asus is putting on their laptops nowadays

Attached: yg2w7mo4ciz61[1].jpg (640x480, 32.81K)


Attached: fang.jpg (1024x577, 101.26K)

People in 2003 also thought PDA were a great invention. Thank god we're no longer in that timeline.

Attached: 467bc7862f2ae3b122d896b0e3787318.jpg (735x473, 45.11K)

Yeah, who would want that, soooOOOOooo bad and cringe-o!
*watches Youtube in iPhone*
You ain't better than them.

PDAs were too bulky and had buttons. I still fucking love Steve Jobs for introducing and pushing touchscreens down our throat.

Average limp-wristed iToddler.
Thin-shit killed the tech industries soul.

So you're the reason why we'll never get truly viable pocket computing and be stuck with laptops forever.

So a detachable PDA that you could read your email on or read articles downloaded as an RSS feed on? Seems comfy.

most stuff that's cool is not useful, and most stuff that's useful is not cool.

nigga u r rarted

It still is cool. It is interesting to see how much effort Niggersoft put into developing cool stuff in 2003. Now they are producing just trash. :c