Why does Any Forums need cookies? Anonymous, huh?

Why does Any Forums need cookies? Anonymous, huh?

Attached: Screenshot_20220830-183808_Firefox_1.jpg (720x540, 56.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>delete cookies
Nothing personal FBI!

they fear the robots. they fear progress. they dont know why. but they will desperately attempt to maintain control.

I've heard this has something to do with the Vidya butts spammer in Any Forums. He's pissed off the jannies something serious

It's so google can recommend youtube videos to you based on what you talk about here.

It has to do with posting/replying; you can't "view" a link to a post if you have cookies disabled. Try it: block all cookies, and hover above the links to the posts in this thread. You'll just get a line over them, like they've been pruned. Why? Idk, the code is actual spaghetti.

>t. actual schizo

They use cookies to detect "ban evasion".

>They use cookies to detect "ban evasion".
they don't use the cookies from captchas. evading bans is still a simple matter of clearing cookies/data and changing ip address. not even cloudflare can stop it. phonefags and dynamic ip chads still king.

>another crypto-pedo thread

I still think this individual is simply a convenient scapegoat. You know like we have to take away all your civil liberties because a couple of crazy arabs (who some say we actually paid off to do it) flew a couple of planes into some buildings of cultural importance.

Note to any FBI reading: this post is a joke.

how do cookies invade your privacy or rights? they're just text files

You know the Nazis had cookies they tattooed on Der Juden's wrists


I'm just annoyed that the captcha fucking broke again on my browser with umatrix. I can't even post on it anymore. Have to phonepost now. Fuck jannies

Is this your first day on Any Forums gramps?


Because 1% of userz here are genuinely insane and will spam shit non-stop. Means of detection are needed.

but it cuts off a lot of users



nah, their detection keeps fucking up, I was recently blocked by wizzair on desktop FF, great fucking super intelligent AI generating your policies, keep saving on admins