What is the best scifi series ever written?

what is the best scifi series ever written?

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You posted it.

Its Revelation Space, and the "side stories". Alistair Reynolds. Trust your bro. Dr. Trintingnat or whatever, is such great sci fi at the spire, fuck. Man, truly great shit. Enjoy

thanks bro, I'll check it out

The accounts of the moon landing and books about a round earth.

Not the best ever by any stretch of the imagination, but I found the Interdependency trilogy damned fun.

The original Timothy Zahn Thrawn Trilogy

It's what star wars sequels should have been had Disney not shit out woke bs


excession is out of control and horza is a champ

"Colder than a penguins dick" is something I will forever say, in Russaboo engrish, because Pushing Ice rocks, and that made me giggle. God, sci fi is so rad man, shit, I was really surprised by Project Hail Mary, y'know because its Andy Weir, but anyway I loved it. Squueeeee!!~

Mad that your pick didn't make #1 on the New York Times Best Seller list?

So, I mean guys, I've read them all. I actually quite like one offs that are more grounded. For example, ugh, fine, I'll just do it. Goddammit..

If you love being bored (thats okay, its scifi, take a nap or something): Iain banks man. Thats your guy.

Do you like fun, and details about the coolest shit ever, but still want the suspension of disbelief, or whatever: Wow okay, here we go, its easily Alistair Reynolds.

Is there a weird part of you that enjoys the brutal possibilities of ultra-modern blood rending technology? Do you imagine yourself behind the trigger as you cycle a whole bitch into that fucking alien, just because, well, you didn't like the look it gave you. Do you have friends that also laugh at war crimes. Man, holy shit, I have a SERIES for you. Galaxy's Edge. Also shout out to Strange Company, because wasting bitches while you are very high on LSD sounds... AHhhhhhhh. Smell the brass baby.

Kk I helped you out. I'll be around, but life makes me do things, and I hate it. Ha ha ha. Lmao.. Lool.

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Eww, bad choice. Sorry. I feel like you'd like We are Bob (Legion). I did like how they found a super structure full of, what was it, Otters. I'm pretty sure it was Otters. Jumped the Otter for me then, but, hey, yeah, you just seem like the type. I judge you HEAVILY for liking Hyperion... God can't save you. Good luck with your remaining time on Earth. It comes for us all, but, you actually deserve it.

Came here to post this. Good taste, user.

Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion are fucking excellent. Highly recommended to anyone and everyone.

Shame the sequel duology is meh. It's not bad, but doesn't hold a candle to Hyperion. Never drew me in to the same degree and the characters were much less interesting.

Smoke more meth why dont you

So did several books in The Horus Heresy series from fucking Black Library. Even as a huge warhammer fanboy, a room full of monkeys could have made a more coherent story.

Thanks bro. Clearly you know whats up too. We have to represent this shit. The truth, brah.

Remembrance of Earth’s Past by Liu Cixin (and, yes, and the Culture series)


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Recommended by Barack Obama, that’s a flip side, granted

Liu Cixin is a hack.

All aliens are

Probably not the best by any metric, but I really enjoyed the weirdness of the Ware series by Rudy Rucker.

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While it was good and the perspective of a chink on sci fi was interesting, those books made me angry more than anything else, the way he writes humanity behaviour went overboard into cartoon territory at times.

not OP, but is there a preferable order to read these?

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