Hunter Biden

Hunter did NOTHING wrong and there was ZERO criminal activity on his laptop. Right wing retards need to get the fuck over it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

There's ton of stuff on there, just look at the photos of his penis. lock him up!

So I take it that you have read none of the stuff that was on his laptop?
I'm a lefty anarchist and I know he's a scummy crack smoking fuck that fucks women way too young for him.

Biden PR team has reached Any Forums.

You mean under aged girls.

Great thing now is that whoever instigated the FBI raid on Trump has now set the precedent for raids to be done on politicians. Cant wait for Brandon, BJ and all the other corrupt fuckers to meet the guillotine.

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>You mean under aged girls.
Yes I do actually, saying women was a bit of an overstatement.
>Cant wait for Brandon, BJ and all the other corrupt fuckers to meet the guillotine.
If we get that far, civil war might break out in the meantime.

No one cares about Hunter, Ivan. Worry about the M777s.

rent free

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Nothing a Biden does is free to anyone, even if it is just occupying their minds.
Joe will just sniff the inside of their skull in payment.

Fancy being this blind when there is physical evidence of the current presidents corruption + a business partner who handed over his phones to the FBI backing up the contents of the laptop.

I am shocked to see anybody willing to tolerate the level of corruption that is plaguing modern western political institutions. Seems strange that people dont question career politicians with huge net worths living in multi million dollar mansions.

Ukraine is historically a Russian land

rent free

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maga clowns on suicide watch

Attached: clown world big hat.png (402x402, 250.9K)

Yup no one has posted ANY evidence of a crime or even stated what he did wrong. Typical MAGA retardation

You don't have to support Trump in order to know that Biden is a corrupt, demented disaster.

>"Spoon feed me stuff that I will outright reject to believe and do nothing to refute plox"

Some of you are going to find it weird that I post this on Any Forums, but I have my justification. On the left, Liberals, and only liberals, think it is somehow productive to post political agitation here, so I figured I could reach the intended audience by posting where they dwell.

Anyways, the agitation in question I am talking about is posts such as "just dropping by to see how you trumpists feel about trump being raided" or "antifa thread" or "repeat after me Trans rights"

These threads have the right spirit, but it is uselessly spent here. The reason this is the case is because 1. You are only pissing them off, 2. They will not take anything meaningful away from your shallow interaction with them, this is because they are quicker than the fastest hand in the west to dismiss any statement with the premise that you are a "jew tranny faggot", this is because this has been common practice since the websites inception, because the user base is only concerned with getting laughs out of you by messing with you. This is what is classically called "trolling" and you have been falling for it.

Side note: I do not give a flying fuck about any of the recent drama hunter Biden has been through, I don't. But my opinion of Biden, his son, and all the presidents that have been or will be is that they are corporate puppets, stop defending these assholes.

>Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden

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Read this (unrelated to hunter Biden though)

yep "10% for the big guy" was definitely legal, nothing shady going on there.
just the typical democrat influence sales

All presidents have been corrupt.

Attached: (You).gif (379x400, 1.32M)

it's also a waste of time to argue with those commie fucks, so why not call them gay and send them on their way

Why do you want me to read that?
Not that I am rebuking it out of hand, but it just seems a bit out of context.

Those "commie fucks" are not commies, they are liberals and there is a difference. I find liberals to be more promising than magacucks like you guys.

It is off topic, but since you are an anarchist I figured you would benefit greatly from reading this. I was an anarchist as well, biggest mistake I made, but this document set me on the right track.
I also recommend reading this

TBH the only thing Hunter is guilty of is being based and having a horse cock.


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>I was an anarchist as well, biggest mistake I made, but this document set me on the right track.
Oh right, have I met your lord and savior, the great leader in a society where everybody is equal yet still divided into rigid hierarchies.
No thanks, I prefer Kropotkin if I am to take inspiration from thinkers of that time.

>liberals make rage bait threads that consistently get 300+ replies
>somehow thinks the Trumptards are trolling the

Nigger I was on here trolling republicans during Obama’s FIRST campaign. You need to go back to pleddit: