Why won’t he release it bros?

Why won’t he release it bros?

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Why would he need to? He's been involved in New York's organized crime syndicates since the '80s. He touches his own daughter in inappropriate places. He's friends with convicted pedos. He refuses to file taxes.

Apart from being deaf, blind, mute and clinically retarded, what's the matter with you?

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Challenge the weaponized, anti-Conservative FBI instead.

So basically you’re deflecting?

I think you nailed all the lefts unproven slander points. Good job little sheep.

>So basically you’re deflecting?

No, FBI served the warrant, make them disclose it.
Otherwise if Trump discloses it and it doesn't have anything juicy enough for you, you will just claim it's a fake.

Donald "I plead da fif" Trump

What do you think a warrant even is? It's a statement of what the police are looking for and where they're looking for it. Signedbby a judge. That's it. There's nothing in it to even be 'juicy'.

Why should he acquiesce to anything you fucking miscreants want? Every time he takes a shit, you purple-haired fucks are right there to try to make a federal case out of it.
I wouldn't give you the sweat off my balls if I were him.

He hasn't had a chance to redact the bit about the warrant specifying the massive CP stash they expect to find yet.

Kek you fuckin tryhards kill me

there is no warrant

Can't take the heat don't beat your meat

>What do you think a warrant even is? It's a statement of what the police are looking for and where they're looking for it. Signedbby a judge. That's it. There's nothing in it to even be 'juicy'.

The warrant states what they are looking for.

Docs for the National Archives: YAWN
Pics of him railing underaged girls on Epstein's island: JUICY

>Pics of him railing underaged girls on Epstein's island: JUICY
But epstein island isn't where he'll find his daughter, clearly the only person he wants to fuck.

I'm a Conservative and could care less about the whole thing... if he did something wrong, I hope he gets caught and charged for it...


You Dems need to open your fucking eyes and stop living in "Trumpworld" when you have people like Biden, Clinton and Biden's son Hunter flagrantly getting away with shit and none of you seem to care at all.

You're all too worried about Trump while watching Hunter Biden shit go unscathed and other Dems who seriously need to be investigated and none of you seem to give one crap about it.

At the very least Hunter Biden's laptop should be investigated to make sure... considering Any Forums... you know the place we're on have the data dump from it. You remember what Any Forums used to be right... back in the day.

>But epstein island isn't where he'll find his daughter, clearly the only person he wants to fuck.

Honestly, the thought that that fat orange orc could possibly contribute to the genetic makeup of his daughter is mindboggling.

Seriously, who would no want to do her given the chance?

Record levels of fundraising

If you want Trump to get crushed by the corrupt system even if it means the establishment cartoon characters don't get punished, you're playing the wrong game. it's none or all. Maybe Trump raped kids at Epstein's island. We don't know for sure but it's clear that others did who are not in prison so until we're ready to lock them all up (or worse), I'm not going to condemn Trump. That's exactly what the other scumbags want.

There is nothing the Dems can do to stop me voting for trump.


Why did he appoint a guy that was going to raid him?

Unless it’s a sealed warrant, in which case he didn’t get a copy of it to release.

I don’t give a fuck about hunter. He’s not the fucking president and won’t be the president and never was the president.

But what do you think he did? Got hired because his dad was famous? What a crime.

So unless we pretend that all politicians are as guilty as trump, you don’t care that trump is guilty?

But all politicians aren’t guilty. And especially not as guilty as trump.

So you’re just okay with trump breaking the law?

You can write in any name you want

it probably is the most tame warrent ever for the shit he took from the white house and he wouldnt be able to blow it out of proportion if he released it

They’re just angry that Hunter is a fucking giga chad who smokes crack and gets foot jobs. What a fucking crime man.


>I don’t give a fuck about hunter.
I do.

except him being disqualified from running....retard.

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Agree, Hunter shouldn't be a concern. It's the number of links in the leaked material that point to Joe Biden profiting off of his sons dealings, when he was Vice President.

>But what do you think he did?
He was trafficking my stolen semen, sentencing potentially millions of families to death when their women who wanted to get a belly full of my nut were going to him instead of me. I will never forgive him and I will not have mercy on him. If he was smart, he would kill himself. If anyone loves him, they would kill him to save him from what will happen if he is still alive when I start casting people down into the pit.