Im a dad, my daugther have six mothh old. and i fel nothing for she, what is wrong with me?

im a dad, my daugther have six mothh old. and i fel nothing for she, what is wrong with me?

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Serious answer, you have no ability to interact with your daughter yet, so you have not formed an emotional bond. You probably have a harder time forming those than most people.
So what do?
Sometime between now and when your daughter turns nine months old, she will be able to interact and start to play. When she learns to play, even if it's just grabbing a finger and pulling away and repeating, THAT is when your job starts, and how you will feel something for her.
A Father's primary role in child development is to teach children how to play, and use that to teach responsibility. Mothers get very nervous about play, especially when children want to play rough -and they NEED to do that. It's your job as a Father to prevent the Mother from stopping play that makes her nervous, and to be a playmate and referee. And then, you teach your child when playtime is over, and what has to be done before play can resume. Nap first, then play; pick up toys, then play; do your homework, then play... This relationship of reinforcing play/responsibility/play will continue throughout your life, and will be the primary way you express love as a Father.
Give it a few more weeks, then get to work.

Didn’t read lol

post partum is a thing for guys too - its not the same chemical imbalance from giving birth but its very normal to have an existential crisis post baby.

This post is accurate. You will bond if you interact, its hard to bond otherwise.

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Get fucked, you spawned a kid into hell

You should kill it while it didn't suffer too much if you feel any mercy. End her and keep yourself alive to think about the horrid hardships you almost had her go through.

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Fuck you and fuck love and fuck frederich nieche or however you spell his fuckin complicated ass name

Wow she's sexy. More of her.

not a dad but this is one of the better posts ive ever seen on b unironically


I feel the same about my four months old kid. Nothing at all.
Don't know if that'll ever change as described

>what is wrong with me?
You cant form a coherent sentence, for one.

>im a dad, my daugther have six mothh old. and i fel nothing for she, what is wrong with me?

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here is a pic of the baby

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Look at where you're asking this stuff. Do you really think you can be a father figure? What the fuck were you thinking? I bet you can barely take care of yourself let alone another human being.

Animals procreate despite their own misery the misery of their offspring. Disgusting

shoot her

Shoot yourself, edgefag.

Shes really sweet. I struggled to feel a bonh with my kids when they were really young and all they did was scream, sleep and poop. Tough it out, be patient, your babies mother needs you to be the rock, because shes going to be emotional as fuck.

You're a dad now, time to cowboy the fuck up. The fun starts after the first year

You forgot tell him to groom her early.


Do you have a SoundCloud?

Sorry dad, girls are for 1 - Jerking off to or 2 - Fucking, regardless of age...

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actual legit good advice on b?
guess theres a first for everything


I didnt feel an emotional connection with my daughter until she turned about 10 months old, and that was when she learned how to roll off the bed and I would catch her. We played that game for literal hours and she would not stop laughing. We've been inseparable ever since and she is turning 2 next month.

Cowboy up!

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