How to improve the imageboard formula?

What would you add / remove to Any Forums / messageboards in general? It's so long and the few, new boards that pop up are all clones with barely any different features.

Are we at peak messageboard already?

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rules to make less drama happen

>what would you… remove

Containment board for e-celeb/yootoober shit.
Option to filter out North American and Russian posters in the lead up to the various American elections.

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(eight)chan and (nine)chan have a powerful feature.
They have an infinite making of new boards feature.

What would I do? Less barriers to powerful recording software.
Setup oCam or an oCam variant which allows fast recording of screen.
Setup ffmpeg wrapper or variant which allows quick file transition.
Provide software(s) in 1 link with easy to follow guide/tutorial so users can improve content they post.

Also other software included for functions like making a video from scratch or an image.

Maybe even a program file which wraps oCam and ffmpeg together with a recordToWebm() function. Which automatically splits up the files according to the desired data restrictions of Any Forums boards.

>They have an infinite making of new boards feature.

It ended up diluting the rest of the boards, though. And the few that actually managed to stay relevant where all fetish porn and shit like that,

I think you need a huge userbase for such features to work.

>thread specific features set by the thread creator, e.g. threads that only allow user to use images/webm/audio/text
>voting feature in thread
>users can create their own subboard(like e*dchan)
>sage feature
>word/post filter feature(weak fagots use this)
>fill name

Possibly having an ideal number of boards according to the quantity of users.

Then after every month, kill the least popular boards so they need to be manually remade.

based user
Im already making it

Threaded replies and those threads are presented in random order to prevent the phenomena of everyone replying to the first 10 FPBPs in the thread in a thread over 100 posts.

>Any Forums becomes an endless scrolling board. Once you close Any Forums you cannot find the thread again unless you decided to share and rechan it with your followers.

Avatars, upvote/downvote


optional post ids by thread and user (so no need of trips or names)
optional ip flags by thread
better archive search and archive/mirror support
better file deduplication, would allow for saner file size limits
if bumping is a thing sage needs to exist

otherwise its very hard to get a real amount of users that minimizes cultural problems like cliques and spam

Ban frogs/wojacks, implement a japanese captcha

I've thought about making my own imageboard once or twice.

More post formatting options like bold/italic and tables and shit, that might be too advanced for the twitter users that go here but it works fine on other imageboards.
Upload any file type. If you run an executable and get fucked then it's your problem for being a tech illiterate moron.
Upload multiple files.
Animated thumbnails using webp.
Ability to put images in the middle of the post instead of the beginning.
Customizable filenames without having to rename your files.
A video player that plays through all videos in the thread.
Ability to reply to a sentence in a post or the image instead of the whole post.
Secret email options like "4chanpremiumaccount" which makes your post gold. They're removed when too many people find out about it or people start spamming it too much.
Ability for OP to edit the CSS in his thread, only for some boards like Any Forums.
Custom behaviors depending on board, for example Any Forums has a very small filesize limit to encourage people to learn to compress images better and use better formats like JXL.
Better word filters, for example a filter that detects an OP and has sub-filters only for that thread.
Copy Moot's old meme reposting website: oekaki is enabled on all boards, you can take other people's images and draw on top of them.
Thread/board watcher that's at the left side of the screen and has notifications when the threads you watch get new posts or board gets new threads.
Hidden threads that don't exist in any board, they expire after a day or two of inactivity and OP is the moderator. It's the imageboard equivalent of PMs or private chats. You can put them into your thread watcher.

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>optional ip flags by thread
The problem with that is how it's totally unrelated to most boards/topics. People will start saying "Well, you're from X country so you have bad taste in [board topic]. It's irrelevant and can easily detract from the experience. If it can be abused, it will be abused.

mp4 and sound webms, also an overboard

bring back noko and visible sage

>Ability to reply to a sentence in a post or the image instead of the whole post.

Replace captcha with a finite integral which results in an integer upon solving

I just tell peeps I've saged them.

Add the ability to filter by posterID in boards with posterIDs, (so you can see all posts by that poster in that thread).
Define what board culture is supposed to be. It can either be set in stone, or fluid (so the community can change it, as to how that would best be done I am not sure).
Have proper moderation - anything that ventures too far off board culture, gets banned. Anything too off-topic or obvious trolling gets banned.
If you want you can have designated "wild" boards, on which trolling and not following board culture is allowed, but not on all boards.
Taking the shit from one board, and forcing it onto another results in a ban (like Any Forums,/mlp/,Any Forums etc, spreading their shit on all other boards.)
As a result:
No politics ("political" stuff must probably be fine due to how fuzzy the definitions around that are, but straight up politics I'd want to see gone), no e-celeb bullshit and no coomer shit outside of designated coomer boards.
Also better support for different filetypes and shit.


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