Is there any oldfag here? What was like the internet before 2010? Old Internet

Is there any oldfag here? What was like the internet before 2010? Old Internet.

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Much higher average intelligence. It actually probably gave me a better than average perception of humanity. Now that everyone has internet access I see how pathetic humanity actually is.

>what was like old school Internet?
It was better, free and a lot of fun. Sadly that liberals and pajeets destroyed it.

back then you could post niche porn on Any Forums and not have a bunch of newfags telling you what does and doesn't belong on this board. also, saged

Slow and mysterious, like it actually mattered if you found a cool new site

It was only 20% or even less gay than now

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It was a place where you could actually escape the bullshit of life instead of how it is today being constantly reminded of it

You could be yourself in entirety and be accepted somewhat. Lots of disgusting porn. Cool weird random things.

You were the dog now, man

> before 2010

Not an oldfag

Glad we have a faggot expert such as yourself to clear that up

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No clickbait. No facebook. Slow as fuck, and deadly viruses about. More niche pages. Lots of "under construction" gifs.

it was whiter
less woman
less non-nerds
less surveillance
less fear (every USfag is scared about "feds")
less commerce
less censorship ("moderation")

it was truly free from 90-00 years

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I used to sell things on eBay in 2002, it wasn’t as overloaded/forgotten. I used to go on car forums and it was fun, you would actually know people on them. Things were still new and obscure, like finding the right songs on Kazaa or limewire. AOL chat was glorious. I was in college when Facebook came
Out and it wasn’t full of niggs and boomers, you could creep on all the hot girls in your college lol

You connect internet. The screeches of ghosts from the telephone line signal that the internet connection is established.
You enter some website names, that your friends suggested.
You load images, that sometimes take few seconds to minutes to load.
You laugh.
you read blogs and absolute random shit, created by pretty artistic people.
You play online games with pixel graphs.

>No clickbait.
They didn't invent click bait until long after 2010
Everyone knows that.

We didn't spend as much time on social media.
Instead we had Newgrounds, old youtube (before e-celebs), and meatspin

It was much more of a playground back then especially in the early 2000's and there was a certain mysteriousness to everything.

Boomers weren't as prevalent as they are today since they were effectively gated from the lack of hand holding and social media was only just entering into the mainstream.

Don't be fooled though; people in general were just as retarded back then as they are now.

It was really nice chatting to girls in the '90s and early '2000s, since there were little to no pictures in the early stages of contact the playing field was leveled and you were judged for what you wrote instead of superficial markers of social status.Met up with and banged a bunch of really fit girls around that time who should have been out of my league.


Everyone in this thread is 12 years old an gay
