Will Biden win the next presidential election?

Will Biden win the next presidential election?

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I hope so


Bullshit his house just got raided by the FBI

Better than this fat fuck

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Probably, especially since Trump isn't going to be able to run.

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Trump's house has a legal search to recover classified documents he stole, not Biden.

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Keep telling yourself that cuck

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is that real life?



no, doubtful he will even run. It will likely be Newsom or Buttigieg

Fucking retard. 1. Those docs were not classified. This raid was BS from the start. The actual warrant was to seize documents under the Presidential Records Act. Do you know where this shit is going? The National Archives. It's not going to the FBI or the DOJ. Nothing was seized for any sort of investigation. 2. Trump didn't even take this stuff. The GSA has admitted that they boxed these docs up and shipped them to MAL. But you just keep cheering about this, faggot. Don't bother to try and comprehend what this can mean for the future. Just enjoy your Starbucks, tik-tok vids and tranny porn; oblivious to the fact that if the FBI will raid the home of a former pres. for no real reason, what could happen to a pissant such as yourself, should someone decide that you too need to be put in your place.

>what could happen to a pissant such as yourself, should someone decide that you too need to be put in your place.
this is the dumbest argument one can make. First, it's been near fact throughout history that wealthy elites like trump get treated far better through the judicial system. Just because one guy gets his just deserts doesn't mean that this precedence has changed. Secondly, why would the FBI waste their time with some "pissant" when they could go for shitmongers like trump?
Try again


The right votes for their guy no matter what as long as they trigger the libs. The left doesn't vote unless thier guy motivates them. That mummy ain't motivating nothing

I don't think he'll survive until the next election, let alone run it it. Fucker is going to trip and fall out down the stairs and die any day now

>s. The left doesn't vote unless thier guy motivates them

''never underestimate joe's ability to fuck shit up'' - barack obama.
biden was oh-so-motivating wasn't he?.......fucking retard.

>biden is a jew
>trump is not

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No, but Trump was

They both are jews but Biden's jews support antifa and blm.

Not a chance. Hes the fall guy

You fucking "muh side good, your side bad" anons are so fucking stupid. You keep getting played against each other election after election, the middle class keeps shrinking, and the rich keep getting richer. So. Fucking. Dumb.

Your vote doesnt matter, and both "sides" hate you. Left wing, right wing, if doesnt matter, both shit wings of the same shit bird.

These guys fuck

The rest of you are just useful idiots

The cope is strong in this one.

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Trump supports Epstein and degeneracy.

Nice try Kushner

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