It's time to choose

You've proved yourself a decisive man so i don't expect you'll have any trouble deciding what to do. If you're interested just step into the portal and i will take that as a yes. Otherwise..well.. i can offer you a battle you have no chance of winning. Rather an anti-climax after you've just survived

Attached: google-chrome-germany.jpg (1200x800, 44.05K)

Deutschanon hier.
What is the meaning of this?

Switching over right now unironically.

sv_cheats 1
impulse 101


I'd rather die with my beliefs and stay true to myself than bow to globohomo and install Google Chrome again.

Bring it on, EUman

the second your grandma send you a facebook youtube embed on signal you are fucked. why would you want to waste time with shit like degoogled phones, firefox and keepassxc

don't care
still voting SPD

I always vote AfD.

real nazis are economically far left. The AfD is a cuck cage for people who vote them. The AfD wouldn't give a shit if a german would starve on the street

I know they are cucks. But there is no other party I could vote for.

Linke Wähler voted the SPD to get rid of the CDU this cycle. they made compromises. if you hate ngubu then voting the AfD is like destroying everything in your room because you didn't get what you want. you destroy the good shit we have by voting the AfD. these cucks would make us the weakest country in europe if getting elected. you have to be a realist. we can't get rid of ngubus without an insane world backlash. BUT we can look what to do from here. we can make sure that we reach out and help every white person in germany. if the cost is needing to help anyone else too then fuck it we have to do it. dismantling the social state will not help the white single mother who needs the money from the state. you will make life harder for her. the AfD is a joke dude.

>the second your grandma send you a facebook youtube embed on signal you are fucked.
Besides, I'm not that schizo over embed videos. I just won't visit either without an Adblocker and tracking prevention, because I want to give them as less money from my data as possible.

>why would you want to waste time with shit like

>degoogled phones
The less shit runs in the background, the more battery I have. It's not even privacy at this point, I fucking hate Android data collection because it takes away processing cycles and power for no reason.

Because I want my extensions to actually work, not get deprecated because of protocol updates.

>and keepassxc
Can be stored fully offline on external drives, unlike your browser passwords that will be leaked as soon as one of your machines gets infected or your Google account gets hijacked

I don't waste my time, I use my knowledge and skills to make things more convenient, secure and practical for me, while also making companies reliant on data collection seethe. If you think doing all of that is a waste of time and schizophrenia bullshit, you're honestly either misinformed or ignorant.

Not all privacy measures make sense of course and many methods do go way overboard, but the ones I believe to make sense always have a secondary benefit to the user. Keep that in mind, should you change your stance about privacy.

>help the white single mother who needs the money from the state
not him, but i'm not sure i'm comfortable with potentially encouraging and subsidising the existence of "the white single mother" in the first place, because that's exactly what happened in England. now we're stuck with 3 generations of useless trash, who think gibs is their God given right.

i was only able to climb out of poverty because gibs helped me and my family survive until we found ground. you are not encouraging women turning into single mothers. no woman wants to be a single mother. also people feel cool to not feel empathy and not help people in need but it's a sign of weakness to only look after yourself. Strong characters in history helped the group they felt they belong to. if you want to harm the group you don't like you also harm the people that belong to your group if you are against a social state. you are just hurting everybody with it and not only the white men hating enemy.

hör auf in rätseln zu sprechen du pisser

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In english please

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-30 um 19.29.18.png (992x1416, 2.44M)

AfD literally tried to raise the gibs a while ago but got shut down like always by our wonderful Regierung.

and you believe that? le mao

Yes. The AfD is not against gibs. They want to stop the abuse of the system by shitskins and Zigeunern.