How much trouble is he actually in?

How much trouble is he actually in?

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In all likelihood, none. They're probably fishing for one technical screw-up, which I think might be a violation of the 4th amendment but has become common thanks in part to the Patriot Act. Or they might fabricate evidence on him, in which case he might be screwed depending on how good they are.

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Don't worry, he's only a big mac away from a heart attack. They'll never get him into jail


God yall are fucking retarded. You have any idea how much evidence is required to get a judge to sign on no knock warrant on a former president? Go figure, the casino magnate is greasy and corrupt as fuck, and to believe otherwise is to be a rube on the midway.

A leftist turd made that "meme", but never for one second asked itself where to bombs came from in the first place.

The FBI was covering their own asses. They went there to seize evidence against them. Screencap this post.

Whoa! Now there's a guy that keeps up with the jewish broadcasts.

Do you know what the kafkatrap is?


A jewish tranny?

i just wanna know what was in the safe

Not enough.



My guess is classified documents he had no business possessing that he planned to sell to a foreign country.

Decades of subversion.

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I'm not a fan of Trump but realistically: none. In case any of y'all haven't been paying attention there's a different set of laws for people like Trump, Clinton, Gaetz, Pelosi, the super rich, etc.

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And us proles, depending on which state we are in. Which is absolutely unacceptable.

most come from turdland, middle of nowhere, generally communist states of the US that survive thanks to federal support.

Why have you not invested in Trump Properties? Bigger than Gamestop