I just got a $46,000 quarterly bonus. For one quarter. No one else to tell but my wife

I just got a $46,000 quarterly bonus. For one quarter. No one else to tell but my wife.

Boy, they say money doesn't make you happy but it sure fucking helps.

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What you thinking you'll use the money for?

Don't tell your wife. Also, depending on where you live, that $46k bonus turns into like $27k after taxes, fucking sucks.

I wanted to buy a road bike. I've been stalking craigslist for a few weeks trying to get a good deal on a used bike but now I can justify spending a little more for a new bike

Well my recommendation is that you buy an older bike, newer bikes today have lots of regulations that make them basically gutless compared to like an old honda saber.

No, like a bicycle, not a motorcycle.

I live in one of those places, so I'm totally aware.

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ohhhhh okay, but like you said you could spend more now!

Damn nigga, somebody havin' McDonald's tonight

Check out pinkbike classifieds, you can sometimes snag a really good deal.

>I just got a $46,000 quarterly bonus.
>Posts fucking frog.
SURRRRE you did.

good job my nigga
mine pays out tomorrow but should only be like 5k

Stop trying to flex on neets retard. I’m a crypto millionaire, you’re small fry.

Are they really gains if they are not realized?

send me 10k forreal

No. Unlike a crypto speculator, I work for my money.

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congrats op. if you havent already and you're in the US go to marcus dot com and open a high yield savings account and put at least half of that shit in there, if not 75% of all of it after your road bike. their interest rate is significantly higher than any other bank

Nice LARP faggot. They don’t give those kinds of bonuses at mcdonalds

gotta agree with the tranny on this one. OP is likely a 12 year old on mommys computer

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what industry? are you in sales?


>claims to make over 200k a year
>looks for used bicycle on craigslist
You are really bad at trolling. Also you used the USD symbol but you’re clearly not american. Americans don’t call bicycles “road bikes”

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Obvious Burger King fan


I'm going to buy $10k in Series I treasury bonds (9.62% interest accrual guaranteed).

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Defer it into your 401k or whatever retirement plan you have.

Congrats! I got an $80k raise last year and now I buy random shit for friends and have it drop shipped from Amazon. It’s nice to have breathing room.

I may make a lot but I am also quite cheap.

401k and IRA/Roth are all maxed out already.

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> (OP)
how is your bonus decided?

what kind of work?

is this your work pajeet?

>what kind of work?
Director of a museum.