We just keep winning

We just keep winning

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lmao the white trash probably do think trump being raided was a win for them

context? im not american

Fbi raidex trumps home and found his Epstein loli dungeon


Deflecting from the fact that his glorious leader's house was raided and he's likely months from prison at this point.

I mean, you could interpret a multi-year sentence in a federal prison as an all expense paid vacation. That’s “winning”, I guess.

>January 6 hearings finds no evidence of wrongdoing
>Feds raids private residence of the true president of the United States
Gee golly what a coincidence!

except 2020 election

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>We just keep winning
the lard-ass contest.

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You know the robot lost in that movie. A liberal looking woman flattened it in some enormous industrial press. Now im wondering if large presses like that even exist, what the fuck do they need a press that large for? Excluding exciting movie conclusions of course

With the shoops again.
He’s fat y’know. We all know. Do you know?

>no evidence

Did you even watch the hearings? Everyone in Trumps inner circle spilled the beans that he weaponized his base and sent them after congress to kill them.

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>no evidence of wrongdoing
You're just making shit up at this point, there was an abundance of evidence to the contrary.

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Denied of reality is a huge part of being a Rightoid. Their entire thought is based on contrarianism and denying events that are greatly different from their own version.

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Jail then Hitler 2.0 and all that goes with it or Trump 2024.
Fucking lol.

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I honestly just dont understand. Trump being president was supposed to be a meme and then a bunch of retards took it seriously and the only reason they seem to support him is because he pisses people off with a lack of political tack. He's the opposite of everything conservatives are supposed to believe in yet they worship him like Jesus. In fact some of them literally think he is jesus.

If the left wasnt so fucking coastal city elitist and actually tried to understand the problems of middle america aka that they are fucking dying slowly from lots of factors. Then maybe the voters wouldnt flock to every narcisist billionaire that claims to be everything they arnt.

That is true, I work with someone who caught covid months ago, got sick as a dog from it and still hasn't regained their sense of smell and they still think covid is fake.