What happened to the giants?

What happened to the giants?

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Exterminated by time travelers. Be careful, they'll do it to you too on a whim.

What can I do to protect myself?

That's not a giant, those are just really small diggers.

Don't be interesting, noteworthy, or influential. Stay out of the news. Stay out of the history books. They exterminated the giants because they were a direct threat, but they also go after anyone they're jealous of, and basically shit all over their timeline too.

Thank you.

They're middle eastern.

Diggers are Anglo.

Jews killed them

probably killed off in the flood.
god wasn't really pleased with the fact they existed. it was renegade angels impregnating women that created them. they're likely the source of most/all pagan mythologies.

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Whatever you do don't get vaxxed or the earth will turn into a sphere and we'll all fall off

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Lost to the Broncos

They prefer to be called Degros now you racist piece of shit

Depends which fictional account of giants you're referring to.

I'm not referring to any fictional account. Giants are real.

>I'm not referring to any fictional account
Of course you are.

Giants are real.

Perspective of the picture makes them look big but the sand niggers are 8 feet in the dirt and 10 feet from the ledge where these 2 autists died.

The Smithsonian destroyed giant skeletons found in America.

The Smithsonian is under strict control of the Freemasons. We'd never allow the destruction of our forefathers' remains.

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Your fathers semen also somehow managed to pick one of the dumbest sperm cells to win the egg race in your moms vaginal void.

Those two died

Hitching their wagon to Daniel Jones is looking more and more like a failed cause. They should waste this year and let him prove he really isn't the guy and use the top draft pick to select a replacement.

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