/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General

Previous Thread
>Current challenge:
img2img of OP pic

>Starter guides:
rentry.org/GUItard - Current main guide
github.com/hlky/stable-diffusion/wiki/Linux-Installation - Linux install script
rentry.org/sdamd - Updated AMD guide

>Compute Platforms with free gpus:
- Colab
- PaperSpace

>Current scripts:


>Colab with new model

>CLIP Search:

>Prompt search:


>SaaS sites:
huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion - Free txt2img
huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest - Free img2img
beta.dreamstudio.ai - Free txt2img, New accounts get 200 generations
pornpen.ai - Free txt2img, NSFW focused
dezgo.com - Free txt2img

/h/ /sdhb/: /vg/ /aids/: /mlp/ /ppp/: Official discord: discord.gg/stablediffusion
NSFW discord: discord.gg/2ZhBzDGf8u
Tech support Matrix: matrix.to/#/#info:conlaboro.xyz
Stability.ai updates: twitter.com/EMostaque

Attached: monster.png (484x482, 6.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How about we make Jesus smile for a change?

Attached: Christ smiling on a yacht-0.png (512x512, 494.59K)

Smiling Jesus thread.

Attached: download (2).png (512x512, 492.88K)

blessed and breadpilled

Jesus smiling. Let's go!

Attached: Jesus smiling.png (512x512, 500K)

I'll generate some jesus as soon as this skeletor face img2img mask x25 is done generating

img2img is too powerful, one generation

Attached: download (85).png (400x400, 134.22K)

I've done nothing but fusing Emmas for the last three days

Attached: d7myjs4-0919de93-4039-4638-b82d-88301f6bfb42.jpg (3840x1812, 1.55M)

not recognizable from OP, 2/10

Jesus shitposting on Any Forums

Attached: 1655033943185.png (1024x1024, 1.56M)

"And ye that shitpost, be aware of thine global rules AGAINST the demons of Off-Topic" -Frank 3:2

Definitely not enough to live on but a near passive income from clueless rich boomers is almost too good to pass up.
The most expensive part is probably gonna be the framing and actual painting itself.
Also I sent this photo to the Photographer Elliot Elliott Erwitt and told him an AI was impersonating his work for shits and giggles.

Attached: 00009-52_k_lms_781295603.png (576x640, 589.15K)

Watermarks and signatures ought to be considered to constitute defacement of our collective visual information reserves. Ban them now!

Attached: 3320870675.png (2048x2048, 2.29M)

Attached: 1658418885998.png (1536x1024, 1.01M)

>Elliot Elliott Erwitt
Literally who?

get double clowned

Attached: 1631632262596.jpg (3072x1792, 2.2M)

Enjoy your C&D from Btide

Sir Catharnaigh Smith Jr

Attached: 1633462011820.png (512x512, 508.51K)

Every so often, SD spits out something that is absolutely not what I was looking for and doesn't match the prompt at all, but it's still kinda neat.

Attached: 00000-50_k_euler_a_2325463116.png (512x512, 364.48K)

reposting possible training repos

Attached: Discord_Z9TKHR8CsV.png (746x310, 51.16K)

>Elliott Erwitt*
One of the most famous contemporary modern photographers zoomer.

Attached: elliot_erwitt_photo_000008_large.jpg (381x480, 43.67K)

Fuck I chose the wrong mask mode

Attached: 1660458994101.png (1271x728, 1.28M)

>lower middle
works on my machine

Have you ever seen subject duplication within a 512x512 before? I'm not sure I have.

Attached: EH.png (512x512, 350.14K)

Attached: 03765-3983569248_Jesus_Christ_as_a_smiling_happy_homeless_character_in_Grand_Theft_Auto_in_the_art_style_of_GTA__Vice_City_by_Stephen_Bliss_by,_b.png (640x640, 645.19K)