Do you have any fast food concepts that can compete with major brands?

Do you have any fast food concepts that can compete with major brands?

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Corn on the cob

A fast food restauraunt that sells only fries. Every type of fry.

In my town growing up there was a small hut that would sell chicken nuggets and french fries and only those two items. They put them all in a paper/plastic bag combo and also gave you a cup to fill with water on the water fountain on the outside of the hut or to put ketchup packs/mustard packs/salt packets/napkins into. Even if there was a line of 10 people it went so fast because your only option was how much. Wouldn't drive mc donalds out of business, but it fills a niche.

yeah a mcdonalds that only hires white people
literally stop hiring niggers your business will skyrocket

Andy Styxx's House of Logs
(image to come)

A dothog joint

Ariana Semi-Grande small frys
Soleil Moon Fryes
Indian fry bread

No it's pretty much all been done, these big chains hired scientists to find what food are the most addictive and have actual flavor engineers to create flavors. Last call to be able to compete in fast food was the 80s to mid 90s

No but I have an idea most restaurants could adopt, but I don't want to mention it because I plan on selling the idea one day

Oh yeah that's genius move, it won't matter if there's another McDonald's one mile down the road on the exact same street right?

A fast food restaurant where you pay for the ingredients, then take them home and cook them yourself

pay workers more money when they provide good service which leads to returning customers and more money

Spaghetti tacos. Spaghetti inside a taco shell

I have an idea for a chicken sandwich. I strongly believe it's an idea whose time has come.

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That’s not a viable business you retard.

Grille Meat Place

Support your local police,
Bribe a cop today.
Do it with coffee and donuts,
Do it the legal way.
And if ever there's a problem,
they'll always have time to spare.
Just remind them!!
"hay what about those coffee and donuts"?!
"We'll be right there".

Well something as simple as burgers, fries, and shakes can compete. It's just don't expect overnight success. Don't even expect over-year success. Expect to put a lot on the line for about a half decade, full decade, or so and with the right moves, the right business savvy, and a whole lot of luck you might just be able to open a couple new locations.

What it's really going to boil down to is just how passionate you are about the food you're providing.

It's not a "get rich quick" kind of industry. It's not even a "set-it-and-forget-it" kind of industry either. Expect to be up at the asscrack of dawn and get back home at midnight most nights of the week. Expect to be dipping into your savings as opposed to making any money the first two to three years trying to establish yourself. Expect that if you have a wife and kids that if they're not already 110% on board with this business venture of yours then they're going to indirectly--or even directly--sabotage your efforts and it's not even worth taking a swing at until the kids are out of the house and you're willing to risk retirement on this dream of yours.

If any of that doesn't sound like the best damn time you've ever had; you eat, sleep, and drink the struggle; and you can't wait to get started tomorrow? Then you're barking up the wrong tree. You'd be far better off getting yourself a franchise of an already established brand or working your way up to general manager at an already established franchise to get a taste of what it'll be like as your own little island against the megacorps and the jaded public.


... have you really never been to a restaurant where servers are tipped before?