How to get a free pair of headphones (valued at $100)

>Email "[email protected]"
>Tell them you purchased headphones a few months ago and when they arrived they didn't work.
>Tell them you used whatever email address you're sending from
>When they say they have no record get really angry and insist you purchased.

This company is particularly quick to give anyone a store credit for basically anything, I got $100 because my friend wanted to test out

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Sounds like a promising endeavor

Bumping a thread that isnt BBC jew posting

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Wrong, the real way is to steal a pair of headphones.

Those shitty Chinese headphones usually arrive broken

Why would I even waste my time for some shitty headphones?

They probably sound like shit

and this worked? prove it OP, post email logs kek


Die in a fire, thief.

Fuck you, too.

You want cheap but not free headphones or earphones, look for broken but easily fixable stuff. On Galaxy buds often only the battery is too old, but you can order a new one and replace it yourself with relative ease. Older IEMs often have attached cables, if it's decent enough like an old Shure or something people might sell it for the drivers but you could also mod in replaceable cables or a new cable. A more common issue is also moisture clogged fabric filters on metal shelled IEMs like a lot of Moondrops, people might think they're broken and sell them for drivers when all you have to do is buy some foam filters and replace the filters with that to never have them clog again. Some people also sell good quality used sets for a decent price because the IEM market moves so fast.
As for headphones if you own or can borrow a dremel and soldering iron, a lot of AKG and Beyerdynamic headphones have attached non replaceable cables on $100-200 headphones. When the cable eventually breaks a lot of people sell their headphones for cheap and modding in a replaceable cable isn't too hard or expensive.

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kill yourself

Fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck your dog.

lmao same user

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based no-fun anons

It's not fun to steal user! Doing the right thing is cool or my name isn't Travis Vanderwald!

Niggers learned how to use computers

I think it's worse than theft. It's taking advantage of someone's generosity. OP is the same tier of scum as those people posing at gas stations claiming they're stranded and need money for gas, or people who get a dog only because it makes people more likely to give them money to shoot up their arm or drink themselves to death.

This is why successful companies treat their customers like shit. Why wouldn't they when we treat them that way?


>Why wouldn't they when we treat them that way?
I don't, so why don't we get rid of the people that do so we can have more generous people?

the left has made it impossible to do that. There are far too much scum in america now thanks to our open border anti-White policy. We already lost the war. People like us are the minority now. If our country is going to be saved we're going to need outside help.

Sorry bro, I'm not American. That said Europe isn't that different and also a lot of shitty white people do this sort of stuff too. I just want one closed off community with morally just people, not even a whole country.

Hello cre8sounds representative who's reading this thread.