I got covid

how should I recover without dying?

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Take covid medicine

vitamins. I’m too weak to get up and chop garlic up to swallow think that would help

Chug orange juice all day until you cannot for like a week. That is what I did.

You'll have AIDS soon, it's too late.

Don't bother.

If you're old enough, just get smashed. The ethanol will kill it in the bloodstream before it kills you

I mean technically your blood alcohol shoudn't be much above .1% in a drunk setting and it wouldn't ever actually work like that, but it's what I did

Go hang out with people who got "vaccinated" the ironic joy of making them all sick from covid will make you feel better.

i’m not a mean person

as if your mom diinnint get you vaxxd

Sadism =/= malevolence

My mom's dead. And no I didn't need a leaky "vaccine" because my body's not contaminated by immunosuppressing "medications" Caught covid almost a year ago. Was out for a couple days. Most of the negative effects coming from secondary aspects of not being able to sleep and not having an appetite. No even close to being as bad as the Somalian death flu a friend brought over from Minnesota. That shit knocked me on my ass for over a week.

You should definitely get the virus naturally, and the get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine afterwards. Doing it any other way is not optimal.

>if you're old enough
Or even if you're not

It's awful mate

what do i eat

Drink lots of fluids, take vitamins C and D, drink echinacia tea.

you'll be fine, from my expirience its just sore throat and a runny rose with some mild headaches for around 1 to 2 weeks. just take the appropriate medicine for your symptoms

Shilling for blood clots. My immune system's got the info it needs, why would I need pharma's toxins

unvaxxed here, how long until i get covid?

>blood clots
Worth the risk, I'm. Now I'm hella super immune and stuff.