Stem Major Hate Thread

Just study stem bro. You will make bank and drown in pussy. Bullshit. You will spend your college years studying 10 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your girlfriend will absolutely cheat on you with the English Mayor. Your social skills will suffer, since everyone around you is an incel and you don't have time to go to parties and gave fun. The stress will be unbearable, you will bald by the time you are a junior. Instead, study a liberal arts major. If you didn't get pussy during college, how do you expect having an engineering degree to solve your problem. And I'd you do get a women, then it's because she wants to steal your money. Fuck engineers, creepy arrogant incels who study just because of money.

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Is there an alternative though? Demand is really high for software people at least, maybe not all of STEM though

Software is boring as fuck. If you want pussy, being a pablo escobar gets you more girls.

So you're suggesting dealing drugs is better than a software job? LOL

Nope. Never said that. But women prefer the song candy shop over computer nerds. Facts.

get gud

nah fer reals, i studied stem and smoked weed and drank kava everyday-- tripped every weekend

ehh, maybe for the few years at college, but you're not real convincing

>hates on computer nerds
>using a computer
>on a website developed and initially populated by computer nerds

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youve never been to college

I said no pickle on my burger. Good luck paying off those student loans, you worthless piece of shit.

All good developers are self-taught.

So you actually went into STEM looking for pussy?



You've never even touched a woman. Bullshit.

How am I coping?

Not true.. I was an engineering major. I still had time for dating and sex. I must say living on and near campus really helped. I had girls from arts, business, law and medicine and also engineering. I Can say I was hardly ever lonely at night. It’s not the course u are in dude.. it’s u.

I am talking about top 20 engineering schools, not state universities degrees that are useless. I graduated from Harvard, you wouldn't understand how much we study.

You're just butthurt because you could barely pass high-school algebra.

You probably shouldn't go into a discipline just for the money or status, you need to have some aptitude/interest or your life will just be hell.

My point. A lot of people study stem because "money". They don't realize that engineering jobs are as soul crushing as accounting jobs.