What's with zoomers and their GPU accelerated terminals?

What's with zoomers and their GPU accelerated terminals?

Attached: kitty.png (256x256, 9.04K)

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>his terminal is not bloated enough to be able to transfer files over the display

Attached: 2022-08-29-130455.png (1073x413, 64.7K)

what's wrong with being GPU accelerated?

Does Kovid Goyim really count as a zoomer? Isn't he in his 40s?

I just love Covid's stubbornness and refusal to bow to redditers
>You know, when this issue was first opened I was perfectly willing to consider a name change, as I posted in my reply to this issue. Then I saw the thread on reddit where lots of people called me names for daring to not listen to them.
>@hovissimo Thank you for that post, that reminded me of that thread and has convinced me never to change kitty's name. So good bye and good luck.

>As for googlability -- hopefully this kitty will overtake the other kitty soon ;)

Attached: 2022-08-29-131950.png (692x553, 55.48K)

Name one reason I should use xTerm instead of a terminal that was programmed this century.

>issues: 15
>issues closed with what's essentially a fuck you comment: 3956

Terminal emulation is inherently fugly and hacky so there's no point in trying to keep things as simple and clean as possible. GPU acceleration lets you have multiple terminals outputting text at once with no lag or choke, even on wimpy hardware.

Superiority complex, leet haXX0r complex.

It's a good terminal with lots of useful features. I can ripgrep something and click it to open that file/line in vim. What other terminals can do that?

Attached: E0U-sXsX0AMmJZ6.jpg (1500x1286, 224.15K)

what's wrong with it?

He's actually a boomer. He has a wife n shieet. Sheesh.

I remember installing it and then spending half an hour cleaning whatever dnf scriplet did after installing it

Used by zoomers=/=made by them

Imagine being autistic enough to care about what terminal emulator you use. Konsole came with my desktop environment and I have literally never even for a picosecond found any reason I'd care about changing it.

this, all the functions are in portable tmux anyway

I'm happy with konsole but he seems based

konsole is legitimately a good terminal emulator if you're into that sort of thing

soi project name but based

That's because you're using a feature-complete desktop environment. Imagine if you were forced to use GNOME Console.

Don't know. XTerm is all I need.

xterm is way more than i need but st sucks

yeah but is it faster than refterm?


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