What does this mean ??

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It just means some study was done with the goal of finding that there isn't any social contagion related to the rise in trans people. Criticism of the transgender narrative has become taboo in academia so if a study was done that found a link the researchers would be discredited and their research would be declared hate speech. As such it's unlikely anyone would carry out the research unless they had already decided the end conclusion would be that there is no social contagion, since if they found otherwise and reported it either none would ever hear about it or they would be publicly crucified in the media.

Cite the source instead of posting only the headline

It means leftists believe this is natural for humans. They don't think it's hype and a fad, which it is. Screencap this in 10-15 years all those teens and young adults who transitioned are going to commit suicide and there is going to be a nationwide fallout

bitch please, no one is trans on a deserted island. Being trans is the imitation of appearances (symbols), not the embodiment of a sex. And guess what, symbols are socially shared.

It is human nature to want to imitate celebrated archetypes (heroes), now a days, all heroism stem from Gynocentrism

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probably never are gonna earn that GED, huh cletus.

god you faggots are perpetual victims and care a LOT about personal freedom, yet you gaywads talk about how much you value freedom.
You're also wrong. Twitter is not real. Your gay discords are not real. "Academia" has had a fuckload of studies about trans shit and guess what, they dont "discredit" the ones they disagree with.
There is currently a lot of recent studies indicating that the doctrine of letting the individual decide may be flawed as they are too young. This has never ever been a cut and dry thing and Cucker telling you it has been is meaningless.
if there was such a deep state like mechanism keeping "the truth" silent in some hair brained scheme to turn the kids into troons, wouldn't there be severe pushback on the recent studies? instead, since science is not dogmatic and unchanging, researchers are reconsidering shit.
"Hate speech". Mysteriously no one has said that. Purple haired dykes on twitter do not count.

As usual, you are inventing a boogieman to circlejerk about. It's almost as if you want the social contagion myth to be real so you can justify all the hours you've spent hate-fapping and can start shooting jews.
crybaby little cowards and its tedious.

I'm sorry you cannot reason well :(

Trans and lgbt are celebrated as a societal reaction, not because they exist.

>Trans people cause a vocal fuss about acceptance even though they were accepted
>Idiotitc regular people jump on that bandwagon to virtue signal themselves
>Media jumps on to virtue signal
>Now alot kids think being trans is something normal that everyone is doing
>People are encouraging this behavior

>honk honk

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trans is regional
not global
that means shills are pushing it in certain areas of the world
not everywhere shills for trans

it means it is


Whelp that about hits the nail on the head

It means nothing. These fuckers are blind. TransTrenders are everywhere. Its now the new edge lord way to rebel.

Means that trannies jews and nigger should be purged

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You know your parents lost their shit when you came out as gay because they're probably bi and had a gay phase too, and everyone knew it was something you did to piss off your parents until media pushed the "born that way" narrative for two decades.

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okay sure but you're pretending that scientific studies and research is in any way unbiased. that shit is super biased. scientists and researchers have been being payed off for years in multiple different circumstances then im sure either political beliefs, religious beliefs, bribery, or fear of ruining their reputation can corrupt them

lotta words for a little man

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Everyone has some bias, user. That is humanity. However studies like these attempt to eliminate that shit and numbers do not lie.
Its not an opinion piece. If someone thinks the study was done poorly or is in error, they do it again and try to see what they can learn.
Remember, you guys keep thinking this shit is dogmatic. It's not. Studies "indicate" something, not "absolutely prove beyond reasonable doubt" necessarily.

A fraction of this shit is "paid off" and typically from corporations - like tobacco companies, and usually they are misleading in how the data is presented rather than making up numbers wholecloth.
You're seeing agendas where there are none and its retarded. Your ignorance is not as good as someone's knowledge and no amount of cope posting you screech into the void is going to change that.

God you weirdos are absolutely obsessed with tranny shit and its weird as fuck.

now instead of playing the "bribery" angle, what you should be ree'ing about is that the issue is not that studies are faked, its that a lot of studies are not very well done and some journals with lax standards dont perform their due diligence. if anything, clickbait regarding those have done a severe disservice and you guys are very easily swayed.

Holy hell based


Relax, you’re typing up a storm and the only one’s that’ll see it are bots and autists. Neither demographic matters in the real world.