What sort of mental gymnastics do normalfags use to explain this?

What sort of mental gymnastics do normalfags use to explain this?

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I already stop giving a shit and just waiting to die.


Well, what's YOUR explanation?

He smoked his pipe, I literally think he hit his pipe and he's just cooked af talkin on TV.

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Pictures with different lighting?
What am I supposed to be looking at

just blumpfards having biden rent free in their head 24/7

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How does one explain that people change their expressions from moment to moment.

This isn’t normal. He’s as degenerate as btards and the president.

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Elections have consequences .

"Lobes" Biden had unattached earlobes at one point, then attached earlobes later. Or the other way around. Either way, it doesn't matter. It's clearly two different people playing the same guy.

Every US president's had at least 4 doubles from what I've heard.

Let's assume that it is two different guys. What are the implications of that?


Double checked

Let's assume these are two repeating digits. What are the implications of that?

>read the explanations
>mental gymnastics
He's an old crusty fuck no doubt, but did you even read any of the responses explaining? My guess is no.

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>hurrrrr I don undestan y is the lighting an brightness differan

The left can't meme.

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are you sure I can snuff a bag of that, because I've had horrible hallucinogations. I can't describe the sort of things that happne. I do hellucinogens recreationally. I mean I understand there was a time when people could do herione or morphene or all sorts of hard core drugs as they have some sort of regular dietary supplement and that was normal.., and the sort of things which people call epidemics are farcical terms meant to equate others with fear and terror.Is their fear and terror not widespread enough? Do we constantly need to live in fear and terror? Are these peddlers of lab leak diseases the authority on fear and terror that constantly need to be reinforced regardless of human rights?

Or hear me out, guys: maybe, just maybe, the pic's been photoshopped for use as propaganda. Crazy idea, I know.

i absolutely ADORE the attemps of uneducated white trash to cope with being losers lololololol

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I'm not exactly a fan of the Biden presidency. At the same time though... you could go onto anybody's youtube channel and take choice stills from when they're speaking to make them look like an idiot.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that at best this is petty and lowest of hanging fruit to try and pick.