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Who's that dude?

should have never been in russia to begin with let alone breaking their laws while within a nation we are basically at war with

Not a crime to go to Russia. She can travel ehere she wants and it's her business. You can't afford to travel.

Lol you couldn't even articulate why you believe that

But it is a crime to bring drugs that are illegal in that country

what about the drugs

But she's not. This isn't a case of dirty customs officials planting contraband on her at the behest of the Russian authorities. She admits she brought illegal drugs into Russia. It may or may not have been an honest mistake, but unfortunately for her, that mistake is a crime in a sovereign nation she chose to enter.

Traffic drugs into country. Beggs the one she disrespected to bail her out.

Nothing sovereign about them until the whole lot of ignorant fucks get turned to glass

Best part is we are willing to trade an arms dealer with connections to the taliban who are now in possession of hundreds of millions worth of arms that we left there. All to save a lesbo nog that had spent 7 years in that country playing basketball because the wnba is a joke no one watches and was well aware of their laws. Fucking pathetic. But #standwUkraine b ros

Are you all fucking potatoes or what? Russia is owned by the Mafiya, nothing is "illegal" there.


No one cares about this anti-american Tranny

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Nah, you don't get to redefine terms (let alone international norms) because you're angwy at da Ivans.

detaining niggers is never wrong lol

You don't know anything about law, stop pretending like you have any expertise

Weed is illegal on a federal level in the US I really don't understand how the POTUS and the VP even had the balls to comment on this shit.

Because they are decent enough to ignore all the Russian hockey players doing coke down in Miami.

Griner didn't pack in haste, as she claimed at trial, for a multi-weeks, long planned trip, tossing those cartridges in her bag in error. She packed with thought and figured she's above the law since she's supposedly a respected sports figure. After all, weed is legal in the state she lives in so she should get a free pass regardless if the country she's traveling to has very different laws. They don't apply to her! Well, she found out for all her posturing and kneeling and fist pumping and insisting that the National Anthem not be played at sporting events and how oppressive America is, that she was wrong. So very wrong. She's not above the law, she's not an elite athlete in other countries because they don't care. Their country. Their laws. So hey Brittney! How do you like the freedom you had in the US that you claimed you didn't have at all, now? Wish you had it back? Too bad.

Bc mental gymnastics is so ingrained they don't even know the difference anymore. Kind of like passing an inflation reduction act that imposes new fees on oil drilling. Welcome to Costco, I love you

There is a sign at the airport in Singapore, as you approach immigration, that’s says: Welcome to Singapore. We put drug dealers to death.
My point is, when you’re in a foreign country, act accordingly.

Black people are the original people, so there are no foreign countries for Black people