I'm Jewish AMA

I'm Jewish AMA.

Attached: me.jpg (550x680, 39.42K)

Have you read the Talmud?


Why don't you get a job and stop mooching off of me jew?

I work in finance.

Did you have an orgasm when the rabbi touched your dick?

I am not a homosexual I'm orthodox.
I do have a beautiful Jewish wife.

What is bigger: Her tits or her nose?

She had a rhinoplasty.

Are you fluent in Hebrew or Yiddish?

>Jew here
>I work in finance

Didn’t need to tell us that but okay

Yes but I don't have my Hebrew keyboard on me right now so we will continue in English.

How much money did you make last year?

Enough to live in a small unit in downtown NYC.
It's nothing fancy but it's home.

Why did they remove dual wielding for the needler in halo 3?

מגניב מאוד

To leave one hand open to receive the blessing of Yahweh.

Finally someone’s asking the real questions

How can i join you and rule over the goyim?

If you're interested in converting to Judaism my friend that is a long and arduous process.
I'm afraid you might not be ready yet.

What the fuck does orthodox mean in the the jewy circles?

It means I adhere to tradition.

>To leave one hand open to receive the blessing of Yahweh.
to grab 'em by the balls?

is it true that you're not supposed to use light switches and buttons on your sabbath day? What do you have against switches and buttons?

Yahweh is in you user.
His balls are your balls. Shalom.