You will now have to pay for software on Linux

What do you think Any Forums?

Attached: pay.png (1644x683, 180.47K)

If it's good software then it's fine.

So this is why it's shilled, when there are monetary gains, there are fake (((demand))) for it.

I just don't like how there is no crypto option and you need a google or gitlab or gnome account.

Shame, I will stay on windows at least you can pirate on that platform.

They'll never do that because of a simple reason, they're too incompetent to implement a payment system.

it should be a valid option for devs.
forcing everyone to free software as in freedom sounds too American

Welcome to 2014

>gnome tranny advertising paid software

its really over isnt it?

>No privacy-friendly payment options
>Can't be arsed to implement own authentication scheme, instead forces you to log in with Github aka ((micro$hit))
>Will upload data on what programs you installed to the server (even free ones) so that you can easily reinstall them on another machine
That's a yikes from me. I think I'll stick to apt-get for normal (FOSS) software and the seven seas for troonware that's paid

Oh wait I realize now why you need a M$-associated account, they donated a large sum of money to the GNOME footfags a few months ago

>paying for strings of bits

No such thing as paid downloadable software.

Attached: img.png (1214x1207, 330.6K)

I don't have this problem on Windows, everything is free


will it be like on elementary os?
if it reminds me about creating an account at least once i'm switching to bsd autism


>have to pay for software on Linux.
is this new for you?
VMware has sold workstation linux for years now. there are also some other examples (like sublime text or jetbrains ides) but i do not talk about those because i have never dealt with 'em

>pay for software
>pay for new hardware because yours doesnt work with linux
its over

Hasn't Ubuntu had paid software on their store for ages now?

Looks like some tablet shit. Why would I want it on my desktop PC in the first place?

>only tablets can have good ui design