Does the left have any original thoughts at all...

Does the left have any original thoughts at all, or is everything they do simply a result of their cultist SJW indoctrination? I propose a new meme.

The left can't think

Attached: antifaNPC.jpg (303x303, 19.22K)

The Bible states that they gave themselves up to the reprobate mind, so they act like satanic malcontents.

read theory retard

it is mind control, they are programmed to never question their authority figures

Communism was original
Dumb but original
Extra genders is pretty creative but maybe not original since we've had unix



Live in reality, faggot.

Piss off, Jay

sorry, i forgot americans cant read

Their policies and ideology are decided in corporate board meetings. Whatever is good for globohomo capitalism is what they "believe."

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>"anti-capitalism is LITERALLY capitalism"

Attached: 196-vloquv.gif (250x212, 525.43K)

When the corporations are parroting everything you believe, you aren't anti-capitalist.

A new alt world is required.
All whiny left sent to new world and cast adrift to find new solar system.
Left happy (oxymoron) at first
Left revel living the way they wanted everyone else to..
Left realise they can’t live in ‘happy’ world
Extreme left demand extreme right comply to their ideology.
Protests start...

Yes, it literally is. Your "anti-capitalism" is literally sold to you by a corporation.

you do know im not some faggot democrat liberal right? theres more than one leftist ideology, and liberalism is the worst one.

what? what corporation? have you been smoking crack with hunter biden?

Probably CNN or Cartoon Network or Marvel-Disney or wherever you get your homosexual values and ideals from.

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I get my homo values from this board. You are here for the same homo content.

liberalism =/ leftism

please learn what leftism / socialism / whateverism even is before trying to shit on it

The left doesn't understand history. The thing they do know: the status of a monarchy. They are heat seekers, so they sniff out the weak; bribing them with power, and then overthrow their dynasties.

No it wasn't. It was a copy of the feudalist doctrine of equal pay.

More of a negative rights framework of oligarchy, but yes, it is capitalism.