My IQ lies outside anything a MENSA IQ test is able to measure

> My IQ lies outside anything a MENSA IQ test is able to measure

Hyper-genius here Any Forums, ask me anything.

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Sub-40 IQ is difficult to test and quantify.

Why the f do you waste your life on Any Forums before gaining an enhanced lifespan?

See, if you were as clever as I am you’d realise that this isn’t a question

You are replaying monty hall game. You choose door a. Monty opens door c to show you what you didn't choose, it's a pig in a pen. He asks if you want to switch to b or stay with a. What do you do and why?


what does a genius such as yourself do for a living?

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Stick. My galactic brain wouldn’t choose the wrong door at all

I think he very well knew it wasn't, but you failed to realise the irony

Clever stuff, don’t want to explain. Being a simpleton you wouldn’t understand anyway.

I tell you to kill yourself

I think if you had an IQ as high as mine, you’d realise that what you said wasn’t a question either. But it’s okay, what is a man to a god anyway?

Two gargoyles are stacked on top of each other in the middle of a circular room. One of them always lies and the other always tells the truth, you have no idea which is which. There are four doors in this room, directly behind, to the left and right, and in front of this gargoyle totem pole. You are allowed one question, which cannot be hypothetical to ask only one of the gargoyles. Behind one door is freedom and behind the others is torture. You will have to endure all three tortures if you do not choose within 5 minutes. What do you ask and to which one?

“Please step on my balls gargoyle senpai, I’ll endure all 3 tortured for that sweet, stony toed, ball popping relief”


What's the point. If you don't even have average IQ? Why did you even make this thread? Nobody could possibly believe that these answers are coming from someone with even triple digit iq.

It's really unfair that your iq is too low for mensa to measure. At least you were able to learn yo type and form coherent sentences. Coherent, in this context, means your sentences can be understood by others. Sorry if that advanced word confused your atrophie brain.

What have you done with your high intelligence so far?

>ask me anything
what does a woman's hand feel like?

Your mom

Usually cold, stiff and swollen from personal experience

What is the square root of a million brainiac?

Heres a question for you. If you killed yourself today, how many points do you believe the average IQ would go up?

fart in my face

That isn’t a question, retard. Even these other simpletons here understand that triangulation.

>Hyper-genius here Any Forums
actually, you're too retarded to be measured: your iq is negative.

Phrase it like a question and I’ll consider it, faggot

10,00 retard

I don’t understand the question, maybe 30-40?

I think it is more than 10

We need to show: { n choose k } + { n choose k-1 } = { n+1 choose k }.

: frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} + frac{n!}{(k-1)!(n-(k-1))!}.

Simplify please

Not a question. Who’s the retard now?