Why are niggers so dumb?

Why are niggers so dumb?

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why are racists so obsessed with this?

why are niggers hated across cultures?

Lack of a developed prefrontal cortex

see kids are dumb cause their parents are dumb/shitty parents

lets not pretend this little niglet didn't do the world a favor. I commend her sacrifice. Now her neighbor won't have to hear BET playing loudly in the next room, and the whole block won't be woken up at 3am with this cunt's nigger-yelling and nigger-screaming.

>Why are niggers so dumb?

Why don't you go live in the hood to prove everyone wrong?

Niggers are brain dead.... They have no logic..... Fuck omg monkeys

Didn’t she drink boiling water?

what's the blackout challenge

Yet they fuck your women and enjoy your tax dollars. Lel.

>blackout challenge
Oh fuck I remember this one. Just another stupid kids game, before that there was the bloody knuckles game and the fire pit jump. Fucking kids always want to top the dumb shit we did last generation, can't blame the nogs for it

Kids voluntarily choking each other until they pass out because it apparently gives you some kind of euphoria right before lights go off. I think it was a sex thing before

Most of them are homeless on the street begging for money and the only one they're fucking is themselves. Lel

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this. people like that seem scared to come to where i live

I fuck my women and enjoy my tax dollars too idiot whats your point oh you're a nigger got it troll harder faggot

its not just niggers. anyone who takes things they see on tiktok seriously is mentally retarded. its literally an app designed for children, pedophiles, and the mentally retarded to willingly surrender data to china.

Oh my God lmfao

ITT we hate niggers not fuck kids wrong thread

they're not people

didnt some white idiot boy in england just died because of the same ‘challenge’?

Well, she definitely blacked out. But it's kids in general following stupid trends on social media. Kids will do what kids want to, but parents need to drill it in their kids heads the dangers of following trends for clicks and likes.

Muh dick! Muh dick! Living breathing stereotype, kek.

No he just hung himself. Mom said it was the challenge for attention.

Who remembers this one?

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The only people who are "antiracist" never had to live around niggers