Ketamine kidney

Does anyone else get bad kidney pain from ketamine? I occasionally use it (once every 2 months) and if I take more than .5 gram in a day my kidneys will be hurting bad for the next few days.

What could be wrong?

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I never had that problem

any history of renal diseases?

grandmother had renal cancer but she was a heavy smoker and got it when she was 80. No other issues

Are you trans?

You are literally doing hard drugs moron shut the fuck up

I’m not a mormon, i’m an atheist

>hard drug
Are you fucking retarded?

The last time I bought ketamine, instead of taking it, I used it to perform surgery on an ill horse and now we're best friends.

Attached: 981.jpg (1412x1086, 157.58K)

Also, reminder about the "Egyptians" at the gas station.

>hard drug

Fentanyl OD'ing nigger IQ right there

No but you seem to be. I hope you get stuck in a k-hole


who’s the girl in the pic?

Are you snorting it and swallowing the drip? I've heard doing that will damage the liver at least, may be similar. Try "sniffing" it (as in, don't plug a nostril and violently suck like cocaine, keep both open and breath it in at a normal pace). Essentially eliminates the "drip" and you aren't swallowing most of the product.

I snorted it, I spit the drip out

The one of the left is Michelle Anthony. The right is a baby longtailed macaque but I don't know her name.

Attached: michelle_anthony_13.jpg (1500x1125, 116.93K)

don't be a retard, you're doing ketamine. expect negative consequences.

If I had the choice of recieving a blowjob from that girl or torturing that disgusting little goblin I'd choose the latter.

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I bet all you transhaters are trans yourself. It's like those anti-islam people that end up converting. Ridiculous.

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Ketamine causes kidney failure

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Go to your doctor, tell them you're taking that hair-loss drug and you'd like your kidney function checked

>windows computer
>inspect element
Check your security retard

good idea. Thanks