Do you hide your Bookmarks bar, why or why not

Do you hide your Bookmarks bar, why or why not

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Yes, I don't use bookmarks. There is nothing noteworthy left for me.

I enable the menu bar, since bookmarks should be in a menu, not in a toolbar.
(also the address bar and the search box should be two separate things)

>(also the address bar and the search box should be two separate things)
Why do you say this

What's your favorite past-time

Yes. I like to have a fresh unbiased view when I restart the browser. I just use bookmarks to store urls for things.

Also do you really use Yotsuba B? I use Tomorrow or similar on every chan.

I don't want the browser to guess "oh, that doesn't seem like a URL, I'll send it to a search engine instead". One, I should be in control of that, two, I have several search engines installed and I often want to send a query to a specific one of them. Different uses, different boxes.

I like to use default as a way to protest a site rehaul.

>"oh, that doesn't seem like a URL, I'll send it to a search engine instead".
Has there ever been a specific instance, you can recall, that a URL was not recognized

a foss thread died for this

See forgot to quote

I toggle it with a keyboard shortcut when I need to see it.


it's not that, it's that I don't want to send search engines (and without a search box it's going to be *a* search engine, the default one) random urls that I intend to visit. I don't view unifying the search box and the URL bar as any significant convenience so I prefer to keep the advantages of having them separate.

Yes, if i need to open a bookmark i use the search bar or the built in bookmark manager, or in the rare case a click is handy i use the keybind.

I see what you're saying. That sucks. How do you solve this

nobody uses bookmarks anymore except boomers. you can simply type in what you want and it's just faster. also most of us never even close the window.

I keep my bookmarks in a KeePass database so I can use them across different browsers and platforms, which obviates the need for a bookmarks toolbar.

well, in Firefox there's a setting that gives you back the separate search box. (protip, there's an icon in it that lets you add sites as search engines. Wiktionary is useful) idk if chromium-based browsers still let you do this.

>I keep my bookmarks in a KeePass database
can you do this on keepassxc

Yes at home, I don't use bookmarks much so I can't justify losing the vertical real estate.
No at work, I'm constantly navigating around through different tools in different environments and the quick access is worth it.

Ctrl + B (or Sq in quteb) is enough for me. Also my laptop's display is kinda small, i dont want to the bookmark bar for saving space.

I use bookmarks instead of saving my history, its nice and I don't have to remember the names of certain things since the link is saved. I generally have the bookmark bar on always.

I don't.

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