What is your most liberal, conservative, extremist and libertarian point of view?

what is your most liberal, conservative, extremist and libertarian point of view?
abortion and euthanasia should be legal but there should be a great deal of education especially with abortion. birth control should be even more accessible and potentially subsidized
keep your hands off the guns, easen up the restrictions so more lawful citizens can enforce a more polite society
hang corrupt leaders, keep them in check the way the french did theirs historically
taxation is theft

Attached: taxationistheft.jpg (600x600, 32.23K)

we should feed and shelter every child
we should prevent children from getting their hands on dangerous things like drugs, alcohol, non-automatic firearms, information on how their bodies work, and factual history
we should legalize child labor
we should abolish the age of consent

>Verification not required.

Heavily tax wall street and the stock market. Seems like a good compromise that won't interfere too much in the free market while putting money toward better education and healthcare.
Strict immigration policy based on merit. This has nothing to do with race. We simply can't help everyone and it's hard enough caring for your own people.
Punish those who rig elections in either direction harshly. Preferably a life sentence of enslavement. Horrible criminals make good cheap labor.
Free speech is free speech. Don't like loli? Don't look at it. Don't like faggots? Don't watch shows about faggots. Don't like racism? Don't go to Any Forums.

stop climate change maybe
the crown is good as a symbol uniting the non obese parts of the anglosphere
literally shoot all religious people
fuck all border security, let me go anywhere i want, whenever without having to talk to some cunts asking me for id

>the crown is good
>literally shoot all religious people
the ironing

We should enforce communism for 100 years, teach sex in school, and allow abortions on demand.
Guns. Lots of guns.
We should ban religious worship in public. We don't have to knock down churches yet, but put'em on notice.
Pot should be legal, I guess? Whatever. Libertarian is just another word for conservative these days.

uk? im from bongo bongo states

i always thought of libertarians as centrists although I am an ignorant american so what would I know?

Look at the list of most Libertarian positions and see where they align. The left doesn't want to get rid of public schools. That's not a centrist position.

oh, makes sense now. i told you i was uneducated. so libertarians would essentially go back to pre public school days where mostly those who could afford it could get an education?

i want anarchy in a nuclear fallout, am i libertinian or extremist?

Aren't gun rights a libertarian stance?

Government should expand social programs
Immigrants should be required to speak English in order to live here
Politicians should be locked in their respective Capitols to prevent external corruption. Each audience they receive must legally be recorded. Failure to carry out their duties would result in charges of high treason.
Legalize all drugs

im an american so the bipartisan politics system makes it so you can either be for guns and be a conservative or be against them and be a liberal

Hot. Love it.

tl;dr yes.

They're not 100% conservative, to be accurate. Just highly. The popular example of them being a little liberal is that some of them want to legalize drugs, which is often cited as a liberal view. And they say a lot of their views are "classic liberalism", or something like "liberal individualism"; I forget the other term. But 1800s "individualism" is pretty fucking impossible in the 2000s. Technology, new laws, and social norms have changed what is possible and what is not possible.

There's an old stereotype that the only government spending libertarians approve of is national defense and roads. National defense because they don't want to die and they think they can kick anyone's ass in the country. Roads so they can trade/make money. They used to eagerly talk about getting rid of public schools.

Plenty of libertarians would be glad to say "fuck those kids."

Like I said, libertarians are conservatives. Same thing. (In America.)

Liberal is just another word for retarded faggot these days

i hardly ever hear that shit

maybe thats the public education system that has failed us at work. retards got stabbed at a las vegas smoke shop because "no cap fr though deadass" they werent getting an education.

so would it be conservative or liberal to put a cap on the level of aristocracy and monopoly on schools? sure private schools for affluent assholes will always be a thing but I am talking about making it so there isnt that wide of a disparity between haves and have nots? making it so that even if you were born poor, you could work and get a legitimate education because the entrance fee/cost of education wasnt exorbitantly high, as opposed to recieving a tax payer subsidized education that is the public school equivalent of prison food for the mind?

Exactly. They're failing, and conservatives hijacked their (BIG L) Libertarian party long ago. Kinda weird how conservatives leaving the Republican party overtook the Libertarian party. Then the American's Green party just kinda withered away as a response. The only people who WOULD be good candidates there (Bernie AOC) are now too "liberal" AND too "conservative" for the Greens. The Green party went that bat-shit here in the US.

I think putting caps on things to open them up to more people, and more kinds of people, is vaguely a liberal view point.

But hell, I'd go so far as to say "sure, you can have private schools. But they still have to teach these minimums in the curriculum, and you can't charge a fee to attend."