You have a shotacon and a lolicon in front of you. In your possession you have a gun with one bullet...

You have a shotacon and a lolicon in front of you. In your possession you have a gun with one bullet. In this hypothetical situation it's not feasible to take them both out with one shot.
Which one do you choose to eliminate?

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Shotacon. Is that even a question?

myself. Is that even a question?

You a nonce or just generally suicidal?

Lolicon. They're the most vocal and prolific of the two.

Line 'em up then shoot. hopefully the bullet goes through both but just in case i put the lolicon first (they both pedos tho)

Can a single bullet obliterate the genitals of both?

"I may not have a brain gentlemen. . . But I have an idea"

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the shotacon of course, they are obviously gayer than the lolicon

The shotacon, I’m not suicidal

faggot pedo > lolicon guy > shotacon woman

assuming it's a fag shotacon, him
if it's a /ss/chad or a real woman, i'll just shoot (you) instead

I shoot the shotacon and shake the lolicon's hand

Whichever one is the tranny.

I shoot the shotacon in the head, then I pistol whip and curbstomp the lolicon to death

what kind of severe mental disorder do you have that you forgot what OP said in several seconds

depends. is the shotacon a hot woman?

you have to be pretty fucking retarded to even respond to op's question, and get put on whatever lists the glowies are keeping the people in this thread on

Neither, because they are all humans and deserve respect and acceptance.

Surprisingly heartfelt user. Thanks for that, it means a lot.

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bro, I like guns too! let's meet up and go to eat somewhere.

I'm gonna to take your emphathy and turn it into juice so hopefully everyone gets some emphathy

Im not sure what a shotacon is but cant u just pistol whip one to death, strangle the other then just shoot anyone who shows up to help?

Do it SUPERHOT style. Shoot the Lolicon, then chuck the gun at the shotacon and give them permanent brain damage and hospitalize them

for making a situation killing somebody, and on a daily baisis too. Id find a way to shoot your ugly ass

Another 14 year old thinking himself a hero for ranting online over people liking drawings, I see

only if it's a gay shotacon. if not then lolicon

>Which one do you choose to eliminate?
OP is the correct answer