Why do losers worship this loser?

why do losers worship this loser?

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He provides social capital for losers

He lies and tells them they're not losers

Same reason adults watch pro wrestling - who the fuck knows.


Poorfags who would never be allowed on his properties follow him around like he's the Grateful Dead, it's such a weird phenomenon.

For all of US history, conservatives have been on the wrong side.

Conservatives in 1776 were on the side of the Crown.

They were the Confederacy.

They were the KKK.

They backed the Robber Barons.

They were anti-suffragists.

They were anti-civil rights.

They're anti-healthcare, anti-education, anti-environment and anti-LGBTQ rights.

With their failure to address Russia's attacks on our elections and Ukraine & their refusal to hold Trump accountable for his crimes, including The Insurrection, they are anti-democracy.

The overturning of Roe proves they're anti-freedom.

They have always been the bad guys in US history. Every single generation we've had has had to fight them tooth & nail to make progress. We win, and we leap forwards with policies like the abolition of slavery, the vote for women, child labor laws, civil rights, abortion, gay marriage, etc, but their wealthy owners sit back, regroup & launch another attack on civilization.

And it works. Specifically because conservatives are tribalist cavemen who will do whatever their Big Chief tells them to do. They're authoritarians by nature who believe that right and wrong don't come from structured moral philosophies, but from whatever their chieftain tells them, regardless if it's true or false.

They're weak-minded children at heart, who yearn for an all-powerful father figure to provide easy structure to their world. Because they cannot handle the complexities of real life. Because the burden of free thought is too much for them to handle. Because they are fundamentally terrified of change. Change, above all, is beyond their understanding. Unfortunately for the rest of us, they don't know it; that's what makes them so insidious.

he gon make us rick like him.
ima gon have me a nice family like him.
he is me and i am hims
he can fuck my mama, my sister, my daughter and my wife. trump is like god in these here parts.

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Don't care didn't read
Plus america is a third world shit hole

That's because "conservative" means defending the status quo.
It wasn't until recently that it began to take on a political meaning.
If you want things to stay the same, you're conservative. They are always on the wrong side because change is inevitable. Retard.

and yet you posted


Death to Americans and death to America

where do you live?

Calm down Mohammed, this isnt the place for a jihad.

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Death to Israel and death to america

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in a dumpster

No but dumpsters are less trashy than average americans


Average American

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completely correct about trumptards

Well said user. Well said.

>agrees with me
>calls me a retard

Pick one, user.

>defending the status quo
>it's always had political meaning

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lol touch grass fatkid

I like that he couldn't get a real black person to go anywhere near him so he had to make his own.

Weak man's ideal of a strong man,
Poor man's ideal of a rich man,
Dumb man's ideal of a smart man.


right now, at this moment, donnie is still crying about getting wrecked by uncle joe

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Thanks. I'd love to take credit for it, but I originally saw it on another message board somewhere. I know good pasta when I see it, so I grabbed it & have posted it on here whenever necessary. Over the years I've made a few topical adjustments, but that's about it.

The usual response from the Reich Wing when I post this is, they start their usual ree-fest about how the "Democrats were the KKK" (because they can't read & overlooked the fact that it says CONSERVATIVES, not Republicans).

And to be fair, their "Democrat = KKK" statement is correct, but they always seem to neglect to consider that it stopped being correct sometime in the late 1960's. Of course, tell them that & they start reeing again, bc of course "Democrats are the real racists".

My workaround with that? I challenge them directly. "Ok Roscoe, since the Democrats are the party of the KKK, here's what I want you to do: go down to your local Klan meetingplace, go inside, and ask them how many of them are registered Democrats."

If any of them were stupid enough to actually do that, it would serve two righteous purposes simultaneously. By that I mean
>if they didn't know before, they would definitely know for sure that Klansmen vote exclusively Republican
>with any luck, right after the Klansmen screech at user, they'll fill him full of buckshot right after he turns around to run away, thereby decreasing the idiot population of America by one.

>why do losers worship this loser?

"Birds of a feather..." and all that.

>follow him around like he's the Grateful Dead...

Well, he IS a Dead Head--just not in that way. He actually has a dead brain in his head.