Don't watch

Don't watch

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Only if you’re addicted. Which I am. I’m still struggling to quit. Can’t seem to go a week without porn, hookers or happy endings.

But without it I can’t help feeling incredible jealousy over normies. Watching them be so happy with each other makes me want to fap or kill myself.

This is in fact, well researched.

up you

So we'll researched I'm sure theres a YouTube video as evidence

I've studied a bit of psychoanalytic theory and it is all the same. Humanity refuses to accept its own deformity. In fact, whenever a high-ranking case gets turned into , even, the supreme court, there may be 5 different psychoanalysts offering 3 or 5 different diagnoses for a single individual. Entirely and completely incompatible with each other. And there, even the Supreme court doesn't rule that as a sign of dysfunction. It doesn't dismiss the case. It doesn't reprimand the psychoanalyst for , what should be regarded s, clinical abuse. It believes that it is entirely acceptable for psychoanalysts to be at total disagreement with one other. Something that is unthinkable in terms of the Food and Drug Administration. If 5 different formulas were being presented for one single product, even Monsanto would have to halt its procedures. The discrepancy is that serious. However, in terms of clinical practice, Freud doesn't agree with Jung. Jung doesn't agree with Adler. And, no one agrees with each other. There is no consensus, at all, for what a healthy human psyche looks like or how to get it back to health. There is no consensus. Whatsoever. Research it. Once you do, you will find out that there are various psychological schools offer consolidated bodies of knowledge, within themselves, but which are at stark contrast with each other. I , however, have figured out a large portion of the one true answer. The answer that humanity would desperately invoke oblivion and kill to hide. Quite literally. In fact, much of what you can observe as human behavior and thinking, if you are of mild enough intetellect, is nothing more than the sum coping of shame, guilt, and paranoia. That's all that most of human behavior can be reduced to.

That is, worse yet, due to Nature's righteous penance. Whether you like it or not, this is this is normal and routine. Even by common thought and sense. And, you can even try it out for yourself. If you are insolent or naive enough. If you are stupid enough. When kicking a puppy; you will feel guilt. When stealing; you will feel paranoia. When trailing behind your group, physically or mentally; you will feel shame. There is simply, an immediate and prominent response that you can react to. When healthy. When healthy. That much, you can test for yourself. I've also studied a bit of occult practices and know for a fact that a lot of it is concerned with eradicating, precisely, those adverse psychological reactions that life gives your for yearning to obtain the powers of manipulation, sex slaves, or someone else's money and sex slaves. It is always the same things. But, at the end of the day, the dilemna is quite stupid in itself. Without reading occult literature, many teenage boys do want sex slaves. The reality being in that paranoia and and guilt are bound to become present. Immediately. Then and there. This much, is difficult enough in itself. It doesn't go away. Not easily. Not quickly. But how do you deal with this sort of remorse or paranoia? How can you? Accuse your surroundings for being corrupt. Eat a cupcake and enjoy it in comfort. These are effective psychological tools. Indeed. But the moment that you decide to enact these forms of actions, you are admitting your own guilt, psychologically, and now you are eating a cupcake knowing that you are a coward or are blaming your environment while, consciously, knowing and feeling that you are a disgrace. You can't quite do these things , knowingly, without making it worse. It is like trying to sow a bleeding wound close by prying it open with a medical vice. It makes it worse. So much worse. You are bound to bleed out, emotionally. And the effects are profound, long-lasting, and tremendous.

That is why, I suspect, that the Satanic cults that I hear of have been instigating people into a life vice and desolation. Over the long term, the effects are tremendous. The equivalent of Cherynobyl. Quite literally. There is simply no way to truly heal that sort of wound. Correctly. It isn't a defect and it isn't dysfunction. The shame, guilt and paranoia are supposed to be there. So, you want to have 10 , blonde, sex slaves? Honey, that shame isn't coming from you being unable to show this sort of accomplishment off to your friends. Its coming from the essential stupidity that is in wanting such a thing in the first place. Its stupid. Just plain stupid. Why? There is no reason why. There is no rationality. No logic. That's what stupid is. Even animals in the wilderness don't want that. Alpha animals get that, but they don't want it. Wanting it, is beneath the level of a wild animal. That's how stupid it is. I am not being sanctimonious about the matter, but I am simply affirming that it is stupid. So, why then, why not then, ask your surrounding peers what they think about you wanting 10 sex slaves? Honestly? They'd tell you the same thing; its stupid. And that is what I mean. Humanity is doomed. Omit the additional piece of information that I am about to reveal. Consider this fact; while you want a sex slave, the internal fibers in your own being, the flesh-portion of your body, these nerve fibers, feel shame and tell you that this is, in fact, stupid. When you tell people of your ambitions, or your desires, as such, they tell you the same thing; it is stupid. Your insides and your exteriors, both, both, tell you that it is stupid and shameful. And yet, and yet, you are still tempted , by your own free will, to fulfill such desires. Therefore, it is here with I disagree with determinism. Your insides tell you that it is repugnant. Shameful. Your exteriors tell you that it is repugnant. Shameful. And you still want it. And the moment

Yet you queers go on to those threads seeing all that porn just to post yellow? Absolutely hypocritical


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that you do get 10 of them, most men on the planet, most, most, would still admire you, envy you and covet. That is how doomed humanity is. It isn't comedic banter among men in a bar It isn't so the moment that you spend some dedicated time into researching the effects of shame, or guilt-ridden paranoia, and find out that they include shame-coping mechanisms. Obviously. And that these include adverse and risk-prone behavior. Intuitively, you know that an idiot who feels ashamed is more likely to jump across a pit of fire while riding on a motorcycle. You know this. You don't need a clinical dictionary or an electromagnetic resonance image of the scans as available. You know that. You know, somewhere deep inside of you, that you can't possibly ever read a book, comprehensibly, while dealing with ongoing guilt-ridden paranoia. At all. So where do you want to start? You could have been halfway across the entire Oxford encyclopedia by now, as your evening reading material. But, now, where do you want to start? Speeding across highways? Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol? What is your pit of fire? Investing and gambling large of amounts of money? Where is your reading material? Why can't you read comprehensively and attentively? Do you think that it is something that you feel comfortable with? How is your local social worker? Your school councelor? Mother. Father. How are they? Are they reading, profoundly, and routinely? How does sit make you feel when thinking of the entirety of your developed life, from childhood to adulthood, depending upon these people around you? How does it make you feel, to know, that they sacrificed their critical and thoughtful mind, geared in your favor, when exchanging it for outlandish escapades. Depending on the time and region, maybe they went out for a cup of wine. One. Once a week. Maybe they consumed heroine. Saw pornography. Who knows. But even that single cup of wine, the one that they sipped on like a gentleman

or like a lady, they sipped one small glass at a time. Do you think that this is trivial? That it is of questionable impact? Do realize that they might have been trading a night of daily reading, or an entire week of it, for the feeling of comfort when traveling across town for a single cup of wine in a bar. In the time that they drank their 900th cup on the 900th day, they could have been well on their way to a Master's level understanding of basic chemistry. From this angle, that looks like dementia. It isn't simply teetering or dabbling on alcoholism. It is, truly, dementia. Retardation. Mental disability. And, that is how it starts; by one small and nontheless mortal sin. Wanting a girlfriend for sex. Looking up a woman's panties. Coveting a fellow woman's purse. Wishing her death because of that purse. Thinking that thoughts are "moral grey areas". It all opens up psychological hemorrages that only get worse as you try to deal with them. Coping. That's what it is. Coping with shame. Coping with guilt. If you are validated modern American, then you likely know what those things are. Almost intuitively. But, inevitably, those who cope can do so for years. Decades. And do. And, wherever the coping is located, an underlying hemorrhage is always located. Which is why, if I can guilt-trip your mother than she isn't half the saint that you would like to think of her as. Which is why, if I can shame your father by driving a corvette or with a cheap comment, then he isn't half as dignified as you would like him to be. They are, indeed, the sum result of underlying deformities and overt coping mechanisms. And, that is what most of humanity is. Truly. Practically of it. Deformed. Psychologically adverse to itself as due to vice. There is no "standard human" in your psychologists with a little psychological ailment between you and that. There , surrounding you, hoards of individuals coping with shame, guilt and paranoia. Sipping on that wine glass.

That is, thinking that they are cunning. That is, thinking that they are innovative. Geniunes in the making. All, while sipping that wine glass. Once. Twice. Four thousand times. Each time that they do , failing to dedicate themselves to an admirable routine of self-empowerment. And just like when you get caught stealing, it is your friends fault. And just like catch yourself harassing the new intern, it was you who was helpless to yourself. You don't want it. Its a lie. You don't want power. No one with a guilty conscience does. Ever. And while an illusion suffices your pleasures, it is the legitimate abscence that makes you trail behind life. One day. 2 days. 3 weeks. 4 years. 2 decades go by. That was your life and it was wasted. Now death awaits. And, that is humanity as prior to its death. Life isn't unfair. This necrotic condition is surely the penance that is well deserved, as you yourself know it, and it is the inevitable doom that I expect to eliminate all who would dare and disagree with my understanding of human morals. Far from a pompous soliloquy, that much is the truth. You experience remorse and guilt from kicking a puppy but not from kicking a snarling hound. That is the truth. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows. Violence doesn't mean violence. Violence upon a child is different than violence upon a threat. The school faculty doesn't allow violence upon bullies. The legal departments don't allow violence upon emotional manipulators. But, nontheless, you are a fool to disregard this distinction because injustice prevails. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows. Nontheless, it is hard to live by such a reality. You are, indeed, afraid of the snarling hound. Already. Being able to kick it, guilt free, isn't as much as a privilege as you hoped that it would be. But, nontheless, nature allows you that much. The problems begins when you see someone kicking that snarling dog, before deciding to excercize your ability to

kick the dog which isn't snarling. And here, you might not feel guilt. Not immediately. Not immediately. Until then remorse settles in. And if you are a devout , but obviously novice, religious practioner , then you will probably heal, fully, within a week. But, in fact, most people have zero moral hygene. None whatsoever. None. None. It might take years for that moral qualm of conscience to heal. In theory. In theory. In reality, those psychological wound get infected. Depravity leads to more depravity. Sin begets sin. And, you might never recover. And if you don't end up being a heinous and murderous pedophile, it might lightly be because of your addiction to your sources of comfort as coping mechanisms. Time limits. Time limits. But, at the end of it all, what matters is your unfilled and parallel potential. Dementia. That's what it is called.

For the last 2-3 years the only category that turns me on is crossdresser/shemale/trap/femboy facial and self facial videos. So yes, I agree with you OP.

I wouldn't say porn itself. Jacking off 1-2 times a day, every day for decades will certainly leave you worse off than if you didn't/did it in moderation.

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>and that's it
*the end
-after 12 minutes only,supposed to be 60 at least
no slides and no effort whatsoever
and it was one year ago

I will tell you something,the reason why the guy's death been affecting me that much lately is due the realization that it happened a long long time ago,considering my age,so most of what I am and have experienced so far,are from times already past his fate. I really really wish I could bring him back somehow,over 20 years ago but only recently been that moved about the fact. Dude's gone and there's nothing else to be done. Great deal of sorrow upon me over this,specially within this last week,been reading about the guy's work,all sorts of characters and roles,good times,from a not that distance but still quite far away past. Very very sad thinking about whay if.... an alternative reality you know? Sad to be in a world in which such a great person is gone,gone that long ago....

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