Creative ways to antagonise cunt who turns his sub up way too loud all night

Creative ways to antagonise cunt who turns his sub up way too loud all night

Current plan is egg cannon to shell (pun intended) the house

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Instead of taking a chance and getting your brains blowed out maybe leave a note.

no, the appropriate resolution would be to leave a note that you don't care for his nigger mumble rap music

I'm not a mutt. We don't have guns here you imbecile.

Thinking of leaving a note "if I hear your sub again there will be consequences"

Get a pellet gun.
Sneak around his house. Find out where he out his sub.
Shoot through the window into the speaker, preferably the membrane to make it vibrate hideously when he uses it.

Run over his kid and or dog.

Burn the fucking place down

Im with this guy. OP should just skip ahead to the only logical conclusion to this story.

I do this to cars with windows open blasting music. I start blasting classical music in my car. Try that.

Get a stick. Push stick in tire valve of his cars wheels so it opens.
Blow all the air out of all of them.
So easy you can do it while blackout drunk.

But motorhead beats mozart.

if he has a speaker with extra bass, get a speaker that can handle extra treble and blast that.

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even better less dumbass redneck way to do it is to buy a screwdriver with a schrader valve bit and just stick it inside the nozzle and undo the whole damn thing

The people in my experience don't blasting good music like that. They blast shit rave music or shittier rap music. I blast something worse. Nothing scatters a crowd than loud classical music. It was actually employed as a strategy to stop kids loitering around a bus station in my town, after 8pm they would play classical music over the speakers to get kids to disperse.

fight fire with fire. Get your own sub then use an audio editor to generate a 40hz sine wave and play it on a loop all night.

Lol. A more technically proficient method indeed. Chin chin. Yeah but hardware stores arent open at 03h00 in the morning.

The fuck they doin at the bus station?

>not keeping a mischief pouch on hand at all times

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Little rats love hanging around bus stations to see if they can pick up other rats coming off the buses. They usually have no money to go elsewhere

Scooter has been burned into my goddamn subconscious.
That and: "started from da baddum now we hea"

Gotta imrpovise man.
I will fix your brakelights with fuckin tin foil from my lunchbox. Word.

Thats pretty depressing. Gopniks?

Reminds me when a dumbass kid thought he was a rockstar and blasted shittily played versions of thunderstruck and the legend of zelda.

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Report him to the cops and i guarantee you wont see him for months. Only retarded junkies play loud music all night.

(Hides guitar and tab book.)
Smoke on da water.

When he's sleeping, remove his electric meter. You'll need to cut the tag on the hasp, it's just a tamper seal, no big deal, then open the panel, grab the meter and yank it out.

Its funny when folks play creep or she hates me on loop though. Its been a while.
Trouble in paradise

When my rural neighbors are out playing with their guns I crank up my sub playing machine gun & war sounds from yt & set off bear bangers that sound like cannon fire ... surprisingly, their shooting stops. Trying this innacity could be fun :)

Lol. Cop cars cruise our neighborhood if you light two or more cherry bombs.